
Jigsaw Movie Comparison

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The infamous Saw series just recently added their newest installment “Jigsaw”. Jigsaw acts as both a sequel as well as a prequel to the Saw movies. For those who are not familiar with the series, the movies contain the main character John Kramer better known as Jigsaw. The most recent movie titled “Jigsaw” follows the same plot as the first seven movies. John Kramer a psychopath who is on a mission to show his victims that they need to appreciate life in order to keep their own. Kramer sets up a sick and twisted game by putting several individuals in situations in which they choose their fate. “Live or die make your choice.” -Jigsaw. Some of these games (pictured below) include buckets being put around their heads and chains attached …show more content…

Jigsaw does not claim how much blood they need to shed to be let free, so ultimately they could suffer the smallest of cuts and be unchained, but these victims could also cut to deeply, and die as a result. Once the victims were finally set free from the buckets, they soon find out that the game is only the beginning of a long string of games. Why these specific people you may ask? Jigsaw soon lets us know that these individuals have all committed sins, and unjust acts that they need to be punished for. Throughout the series of the Saw movies there is a common theme of the value of life, and how so many people take it for granted. John’s point to the games are to show them that they have been taking life for granted. “Most people are so ungrateful to be alive, but not you, not any more…” -Jigsaw. In the last movie in the saw series which specifically is titled “Jigsaw”, that theme is still carried throughout but the new twist is introduced in regards to the victims of John’s game not being so innocent but rather careless people who have also committed unjust actions, and because of this John thinks they would benefit from experiencing the game as a life lesson, or rather a life …show more content…

A lot of people argue that John Kramer was not a murderer because he did not lay hands on these victims resulting in their deaths, and he gave them the option to live or die. Or at least die trying… Here is where I completely disagree. Though Kramer did not physically put his hands on these victims and kill them, he still had to carefully consider every option on how each one of his contraptions and games would play out. He had to know that these victims could face the “punishment” of death in which he decided how they would die in those specific scenarios that he thought up. Jigsaw purposely instilled fear into his victims and for most he forced into playing the games because they knew that they're ultimate consequence would be death if not. John Kramer was in a position of power and though he claimed to be teaching the lesson on how much a life is actually worth, he was abusing life and carrying out acts of

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