
Jing-Mei Two Kinds

Decent Essays

The American Dream Jing-Mei is a young Asian girl from the story ‘two Kinds’ by Amy Tan. She is described as a strong, pure and genuine person. Jing-Mei’s mother desperately wants her to become famous, but Jing-Mei cannot seem to understand why her mom wants this of her. Jing-Mei is very happy about who she is and just wants to see where life will take her. Her mother believes that she has the potential to be very successful in the future and will be full of talents. The problem that Amy Tan is trying to the reader is that a parent who expects too much of their child is just setting them up for failure. Jing-Mei is average at everything she does, yet her mother expects more. Jing-Mei’s life story shows how growing up is a difficult process due to the ups and downs one may face. Tan’s story starts off describing how Jing-Mei is never being accepted by her …show more content…

Jing-Mei is angered at her mother when she whispers, “For unlike my mother, I did not believe I could do anything I wanted to be. I could only be me.” (Tan) Her and her mother fought a lot because of their different expectations in life. Jing-Mei’s mother believed one could do anything they wanted to do in America, but Jing-Mei just wanted to let life lead her where she is supposed to go. It is understandable how her mother is upset at Jing-Mei’s negligence because a mother wants what is best for her child. Since Jing-Mei is not trying at anything in life her mother gets very frustrated and they both continue fighting. Her father also shows his disappointment when he says to Jing-Mei, “that was something else” (Tan) Her father says this sarcastically about her piano performance. All of this disappointment begins to irritate Jing-Mei, as it would to any child. Jing-Mei goes through a very tough time in her life and desperately wants her parents to lower their

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