
Joan Of Arc Research Paper

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Joan of Arc was the daughter of respectable peasants and she was born in 1412, in the little village of Domrémy, in France. She lived in a period of where France was in war against England. She grew up like any other young women her age, she was taught how to sew and spin, not to read and write. The only way she was set upart by other young women was how modest, simple, and industrial she was. When she was about thirteen years old she started hearing voices and she saw flashes of light. She believed that it was God trying to tell her something. She believed that He was trying to tell her to go fight for the French. When she told her parents that they didn’t believe her and tried to persuade her not to do it. The village priest, her friends, and the govenor of the town tried to stop her, but they couldn’t. …show more content…

They stopped trying to prevent her from going and actually helped her get to the town of Chinon. At the time that Joan arrived at Chinon, French soldiers were getting ready to go to relieve French soldiers at the city of Orleans from an English attack. She went to the king and explained to him kindly of what she believed that God had put on her heart. The king recieved her kindly and talked it over with his nobles. They decided to allow her to lead the army of the French soldiers to the city of Orleans. She was about eighteen years old when she left Chinon. She dressed down in full body armor, looking like a man. In one hand she held a sword and in the other a white banner with lillies on them. Joan rode a war-horse and lead an army of five thousand men. When they arrived at Orleans she was fearless and inspired the men to have faith and courage. They were able to

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