
Joan Of Arc : The Life Of Joan Of Arc

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History abounds with a plethora of people and events that have shaped the course of the world. Traditionally, these people have been adult males. Occasionally, however, these historical icons are females and during rare moments are children. One of these unfathomably cases is the young french women named Joan of Arc. Joan of Arc, the legendary saint that was burned at the stake, was a young farm girl who joined the Hundred Year War and died as a hero for her believes.
The young war maiden was born in the small French village of Domrémy around January 6, 1412, but no one truly knows what day that Jacques and Isabelle d’Arc brought their daughter into this world. There was no true wall protecting Domrémy so they had to have a doyen was the one who held the key to the nearby castle to be able to hide in case of an attack which was Joan’s father. The title of doyen also gave her father the power to collect taxes and to settle local disputes (Kudlinski 10-11). Even from such a young age as six Joan was participating in holy rights like communion, fasting, and mass. Out of all the holy stories she knew her favorite was the stories about two saints Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret (14). “One day, when she was about thirteen, Joan sat in her father’s garden…A sudden flash of light seared her eyes… Somewhere out in the darkness, she heard a powerful male voice ‘Joan,’ it called” (25-26). This was the first time that this had happened and it wasn’t going to be the last time ether. Overtime she had got better at picking out this voice and finally one morning when she was daydreaming she had looked up and had saw the archangel Michael standing right beside her. Then after some time she was visited by the two saints she has always looked up to Saint Catherine and Saint Margaret. She took this as a calling to go and have the young dauphin Charles VII crowned (27-28). Before she could start this journey to have Charles crowned she ran into one small problem at the age of fourteen and that was that her parents had got her engaged. When she found out about this she was worried because the voices said nothing about getting married. She was able to persuade them to call of the engagement and if anyone had asked her

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