
Job Satisfaction And Dissatisfaction Of Female Faculty

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The purpose of this quantitative study is to determine whether or not a relationship exists between faculty member demographic characteristics and their level of job satisfaction. The research will identify factors which contribute to job satisfaction/dissatisfaction of female faculty. The research will determine if a relationship exists between institutional characteristics and the level of job satisfaction among female faculty. Ultimately, the research will suggest strategies and approaches by which issues of job satisfaction among female faculty in research and doctoral institutions of higher education can be addressed.
This study is significant in that the results will provide empirical support for scholars, institutional researchers and planners, and higher education administrators who construct institutional/departmental policies regarding the professional development and retention of female faculty. The following review of the literature will begin by unpacking existing and nascent theoretical approaches used by scholars studying gender in organizational contexts. This review will also critically examine existing literature dealing with women in the academy and job satisfaction/dissatisfaction. Finally, this review will highlight any substantive research gaps in the area of female faculty and job satisfaction.
A History of Gendered Organization Theory That women have historically been inhibited by dominant ideologies, blatant misogyny, and structural barriers

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