
Jobs In Ancient Rome

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oman people had many different jobs, the job they had often determined their social class. There were slaves, who did many different jobs, they were the lowest class citizens. Then there were common workers such as bakers and smiths. The highest class citizens were government workers such as consuls. Jobs payed pretty well in Rome. I am going to go through the different jobs people and and how they were. Three of the biggest jobs in Rome were gladiators, merchants and smiths. At the beginning of the colosseum and gladiator fighting, slaves were forced to fight eachother. They were not payed however if they did a good job then they could be set free. Later on, however, as the popularity of gladiator fighting grew, low and middle class citizens volunteered to be fighters. The good ones gained great popularity throughout Rome. They were payed fairly well based on the number of fights they did. Although the colosseum was not in Pompeii, they did build an amphitheater in the city. It was not as popular as it was in Rome but it did get rather popular. The gladiator games also opened up the chariot racing world. Men would race in horse drawn chariots on a track. It was extremely dangerous however people did it for the fame and money. Upper Class citizens almost never raced or fought as gladiators. …show more content…

There were all levels of merchants from traveling city to city trying to sell salt to owning ships and trading across the mediterranean. Merchants dealt all sorts of goods to people in every part of the Roman Empire. They could make any range of money. Some of the richest people in Rome and Pompeii were merchants. The Mediterranean Sea was a huge help for trading goods. Although the merchants were very wealthy, they were not as high class as patricians. Patricians were made up of investors and political people. Merchants mostly dealt in commodities such as salt, food and raw materials. The high up merchants made quite a bit of

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