
John And Jesus Comparison Essay

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Each spring, the Passion of Christ is retold as it is a significant event that changed history. Listeners seldom consider the parallel presentations that are depicted in the New Testament. As the crucifixion of Jesus is presented in the four gospels, Matthew, Mark, Luke, and John – each gospel recounts the scene of Jesus and the two criminals crucified. In the scripture passages Matthew 27:38-44, Mark 15:27-32, Luke 23:32-44, and John 19:18, the authors describe their perspective of the events. When comparing the four gospel passages, it is evident that the four stories unfold differently. While Matthew and Mark share many similarities in detail, John barely acknowledges the scene of the three crosses, while Luke illustrates a greater portrait. The only correlation between the four …show more content…

John only mentioned that two other criminals were crucified while Christ was positioned in the middle. Both Matthew and Mark account in exactly the same way as they described the mocking and challenges Jesus faced as he was told to come down from the cross in order to prove that He is the Son of God. Each of the two gospels says that the criminals mock Jesus.
Luke offers extensive details describing the actions of the others, while quoting Jesus from the cross twice. Luke 23:40-43 “But the other criminal protested, “Don’t you fear God even when you have been sentences to death? we deserve to die for our crime, but this man has done no wrong.” then he said” Jesus remember me in your father’s kingdom.” And Jesus replied, “I assure you, today you will be with me in my father’s kingdom.” Though Christ was rejected by his own people, the Jews while He was on the cross, He offered salvation to all, including the criminals who hung beside him. He offered forgiveness and compassion to not only the guilty man but those who condemned Him along with the promise of being united in paradise after

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