
The Koran´s Denial Of Christ's Crucifixion

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Anarchism is the belief in the demolition of any form of government and said government is to be replaced by a system where the citizens act on their own accord and act on their own beliefs on how the civilization should be. This mentality is the kryptonite of any government because it takes only a small anarchist movement to cripple the ones in power. This would be able to develop fear in the country which would lead the leaders to develop laws which condemns individuals for having beliefs which goes against that of the governments. In one instance this is seen during the Cold War and the Red Scare when the senator for Wisconsin (Joseph McCarthy) came up with McCarthyism. This was not only in response to the looming threat of communism at …show more content…

Dr. John J. Johnson specializes in theology and wrote an academic Journal named “The Koran's Denial of Christ's Crucifixion: A Critique” in which he discusses the difference between the portrayal, interpretation, and explanations of the crucifixion of Jesus Christ in the New Testament and in the Koran. In the text he gave an account of how the death of christ was real. The author stated, “ Tacitus (ca 56-117 A.D.), a Roman historian and senator, confirmed the historicity of Christ’s crucifixion: ‘Christus, from whom the name [Christians] had its origin, suffered the extreme penalty during the reign of Tiberius at the hand of the procurator Pontius Pilate.’ The first-century Jewish historian Josephus, in his Antiquities of the Jews, also confirms that Christ was executed on the cross by Pilate”(Johnson ). This text confirms that not only does the crucifixion of Christ was a historical event, but it also has the senator saying that his punishment was the most extreme out of any possible punishment. This was true because the Romans purpose in crucifying was that it is only for the worst criminals and they do not want to only kill the criminal, but they want to send a message to all his followers to discourage them from following his teachings. This is because some of Jesus teachings went against the beliefs of the roman empire. For Instance, In …show more content…

Edward J Martin is a professor with a phd in the humanities who wrote a academic journal named “Oligarchy, Anarchy, and Social Justice”. In the journal he attempted to identify the problems associated with democratic organizations, and institutions. In the text he stated, “In the reformist tradition, popular justice intends to develop adequate procedures for the varied complexities the legal system facilitates; its goal is to make the system work more efficiently, not to change its fundamental principles”(Martin 64). This would show that reform comes about when people believe a factor within their society was broken. This was seen in “The Road” as most of the people that the two main characters encountered were cannibals. They are considered as bad guys since they break the main law which is needed to maintain their humanity. The cannibals found justification in their actions because the new world offered now source of food, they will have to change the law so they could still believe that they maintained their

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