
John Cage And Modern Music

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John Milton Cage Jr, is arguably one of the most controversial and influential composers of the 20th century. His works have pushed the boundaries on what it means to make music, and they have forever changed the way we think about music in general, and what it can possibly be. Cage was one of the composers who decided to challenge the standards of music in his lifetime, and he is one of the pioneers of avant-garde music. He started his music career during the peak of Abstract Expressionism. He has made countless works of music and almost all of them have made an impact in today’s music. John Cage has undoubtedly left such a huge footprint on today’s modern music, and it’s safe to say that today’s music wouldn't be the same if it wasn’t …show more content…

Imaginary Landscape No. 4 was the first piece composed by John Cage that utilized the radio as the only instrument. In contrast, the earlier works of the Imaginary Landscape series were mainly percussive. It was premiered on May 2, 1951, in the McMillan Theater, Columbia University, New York. 24 performers and one conductor are required to perform this piece. Each radio is controlled by 2 performers, one controls the amplitude and timbre, while the other is in charge of dialing the radio-stations. The score of the piece has instructions for the tuning the radio, which is controlled by the first player, and instructions for the second player, who controls the tone color and amplitude of the radio. The method behind the composition of this piece is similar to Cage’s Music of Changes. As John Cage writes in his book Silence: What brings about this unpredictability is the use of the method established in the I-Ching (Book of Changes) for the obtaining of oracles, that of tossing three coins six times. (57) Cage used the I Ching charts to refer to the tempi, sounds, dynamics and superimpositions. Cage was one of the first composers ever to use this method to create music, and like most of his other works, this piece challenges the notion of how music can be made. Another prominent work of Cage’s that uses the radio as the main instrument is Radio Music. It was premiered in New York in 1956 and it’s

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