
John De Crevecoeur 's Opulent America

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J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur’s Opulent America When J. Hector St. John de Crèvecoeur came to America, he became known simply as Hector St. John, a name change that might have been meant to allow him to blend in with other settlers in his area, to live the life of a simple American farmer by way of reinventing himself as one. Torn between fame and notoriety and blending in with complete anonymity, Crèvecoeur penned several letters as an average Joe American farmer. Crèvecoeur’s desire to live as an agriculturalist meant living simply which contradicted his view of the American world as a world of opulence. In his letters, Crèvecoeur discussed the ways in which America, and more specifically Charles-Town, was a land of lavishness simply due to its location, the population, and the resources and commodities found there. Crèvecoeur opened his letter comparing Charles-Town with a similar trade hub in Peru, describing Lima and Charles-Town as cities of abundant wealth and commerce (319). Charles-Town was described as wealthy, in part, because of its location. An epicenter of trade situated on several rivers with a well-traveled harbor, Charles-Town was a profitable commercial center for housing and distributing goods. He described the location of Charles-Town as ideal for trade routes deeper into America’s barbarous interior, an untamed part of the country vastly different from elegant and refined Charles-Town: “Its situation is admirable, being built at the confluence of

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