
John Guz Case Summary

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John Cuz gets Laid off- John was not wrongfully terminated. He was an at will employee and was fired because a downturn in workload. It wasn’t right to lay him off after so many years, but they did nothing wrong in letting him go. John sued Bechtel Corp for wrongful termination on grounds of an implied contract. This Implied contract was based on what California Courts called the Foley Criteria. California Supreme Court reviewed the case and decided John Guz did not have a case of wrongful termination because longevity and promotions do not constitute a guarantee of employment security. Also he wasn’t fired because of personal reasons he was fired because the company downsize and that doesn’t break the implied contract. Employers cannot fire …show more content…

“At- Will means that an employer can terminate an employee at any time for any reason, expect an illegal one, or for no reason without incurring legal liability” (At-Will Employment). It crazy to think that every state expect Montana is at will and that US is one of a few countries where employment is at will. We work so hard in American and yet no job security unless we are in a union. At will mean employers can change your contract with no notice or consequences. In the article What Do Employment At will mean it states “Employers are also not required to provide notice or explanation when terminating an at-will employee and the court would deny any claim attempting to seek benefits for losses as a result of termination (Doyle). These employees were not fired due to race, color, religion, sex, disability, age or sexual orientation. So even though it was wrong and not fair that they were fired. It still wasn’t illegal and it doesn’t qualify as exceptions to the at will

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