Introduction Occupational classification systems are schemas for grouping jobs and job data. These systems serve three main functions. The first function is the collection of occupational statistics. Second, to analyze changes or patterns in the labor force and the third is for career exploration and planning ( This paper encompasses an occupational classification system fashioned by Reshanna Trim. In creating such a system, the author was inspired by the works of the National Occupational Classification, John Holland and Anne Roe’s classification system and as of such decided to reference and create her own classification system (Trim’s Occupational Classification System) using the works from the aforementioned theorist. This particular system was created to measure and evaluate personality traits and abilities in adolescents (12-18yrs) in Trinidad and Tobago and comprises of eight groupings. Upon proceeding, this paper seeks to discuss what a classification system is and its relevance. Rationale for Trim’s Occupational Classification System- Referencing from the National Occupational Classification, John Holland and Anne Roe’s system, Trim’s …show more content…
The responses to this test would be both objective and subjective. This instrument can be administered in schools as well as online, however, it has to be coupled with career counselling. Trim’s Occupational Classification System can be quite helpful in helping an adolescent map out his or her next step. It can be of great assistance in helping the adolescent choose CSEC subjects and also choosing Universities and what he is she should major in based on their projected career. This instrument seeks to be a guide for adolescents who are confused about their career path or those seeking
The AAMA stand for American Association of Medical Assistant. This is a program specifically for medical assistants. The AAMA vision is that there should be a CMA for every patient. The AAMA mission is to make sure that every MA is getting the proper education. So that the MA is confident in what they are doing as well, as knowing how to do the job properly. AAMA also wants the MA to get certified as well be protected under their scope of practice. The AAMA also gives the MA connections so that the MA continues to get education.
A free online database known as the Occupational Information Network (O*NET) contains information on hundreds of standardized and occupation-specific descriptors available to students, job seekers and businesses across the United States. O*NET provides users occupation search capability either by a keyword or the Standard Occupational Classification (SOC) code used for uniquely identifying all private, public and military professions in the economy.
Do occupations really matter? The main reason early settlers died was because of their occupations. On the first boat to Jamestown there were hundred-twenty men forty-seven were Gentlemen, (Document C). Gentlemen were people that are not used to working with there hands. They also had a lot of meaningless occupations for settling an uncharted territory. There are no hunters of farmers so they would have to learn how to do that on the fly. On the next boat, out of the hundred-twenty men there were 28 Gentlemen and 51 unknown occupations, (Document C). Onboard the boat there were six drummers and you do not really need drummers at all because they will not know how to survival tasks without being taught how to do it. Some people will
This paper introduces the overview of personality assessment approaches in use currently in society. It proceeds to review the big five personality measures, its validity in prediction of personality types (Archer, 2011). The topic on MIPS questionnaires use in personality measurements and scoring methods used by the system is reviewed. Aspects on the social desirability trait and the distortion produced in responses to evaluation questionnaires, being a significant part of the problems in personality assessment is examined. Social desirability does not have an influence on the predictive validity of personality assessments. It is not related to performance in the job. Various strategies used for reduction of social desirability have been studied. The various tools used in assessments are recapitulated including some methodological aspects (Weiner, 2009). Cultural aspects in evaluation of personality discussed are touched upon. Two case studies are used to show the real life situation of personality assessment.
The Occupational Information Network database (O*NET), is a distinctive occupational data resource useful for characterizing occupations; for instance, worker attributes, attitudes, knowledge and skill, and job characteristics (Scarlata, Stone, Jones, & Chen. 2011). The database receives annual funding from the U.S. that amounts to over six million dollars, due to its financial resources or goal of providing a comprehensive, cross-sectional, and longitudinal database of U.S. occupations, unmatched by any other database as O*NET is the only source that expansively measures occupations longitudinally (over time) and cross-sectionally (across occupations). Due to stress-free accessibility, the O*NET is the primary data resource for job analysis.
This theory suggests that people can be characterised in terms of their resemblance to each of the six personality types referred to as the modal-personal-orientations: Realistic, Investigative, Artistic, Social, Enterprising and Conventional (RIASEC). When people see the connection between themselves and the personality type, the more likely they are to possess the traits and behaviours associated with that particular personality type. Similarly, career and occupational environments can also be characterised in terms of their similarities and support of the six personality types referred to as modal-occupation-orientations. The six basic modal-personality-orientations and six modal-occupation-orientations
1.3 There are a variety of sources of information that is available to the public based on an industry, occupation, training and career pathway. The public can find information on the local councils website about the industry in which I work. It details the job role and services of various departments within the organisation. There are links within the website that inform the public about varius professions within the council, also it provides external links to other websties that provide information about training and career pathways withon the local authority and wider circle.
The Occupational Information Network (O*NET) is an occupational information system released by the U.S. Department of Labor which is an existing database that allows analysis of occupations to be completed (Hurt, & Homan, 2013; Peterson, & Jeanneret, 2007). The data collected on the O*NET includes ratings on job tasks, skills, knowledge and education needed, generalized work activities (GWA),work styles, and context areas (Donsbach, Tsacoumis, Sager , & Updegraff, 2003).
The Kuder Occupational Interest Survey used predictive validity. Using predictive validity, they proved that over 43 percent of the sample were in occupations corresponding to their five highest ranked scales. The reported reliability ranged between .40 and .80.
Pollack, L. J., Simons, C., Romero, H., & Hausser, D. (2002). A common language for classifying and describing occupations: The development, structure, and application of the standard occupational classification. Human Resource Management, 41(3), 297. doi:10.1002/hrm.10042
In order to assure the viability and reliability of the results of the analysis its imperative to consider what data will be collected. Once the questioning has begun any deviation from the questions posed between sources would result in skewed results. Some common areas of interest include but are not limited to the following:
I believe that this assessment is a valuable tool in the field of career counseling because it helps the counselors to have more information about the students and their overall wellbeing. By discussing each element counselors can identify the reasons for their struggles as they share their stories. It can help counselors to provide resources and information to improve their overall wellbeing especially with the career wellbeing. With this information, career counselors can refer them to different departments if more help is
This article is in the stem field and shows that the career sector in which an individual is attempting to have a career may dictate the perceived skills and attributes needed for career success. This ultimately leads to another variable in determining the students perceive preparedness for career success.
To address the aforementioned problem, we propose to establish a student guidance centre with the objective to become the hub of career counselling and personality development. The facilities currently available fail to cater to these needs of the students. We will provide thorough counselling to the student which includes aptitude and psychometric tests, detailed profiling, preliminary guidance and expert counselling for him along with his guardians. Herein, the student will be provided with various career options tailored to his needs. He will also be suggested some add-on courses which he can enrol in to in order to gain the competitive advantage over the other students.
Personality testing and assessment refers to investigate into the features of a person’s aspects of character and psychosomatic make up. This is majorly done in organizations for numerous reasons. As recorded in Frank (2004), the initial making of personality assessment was to aid in easing the process of selecting workers for the army. Since this initial invention, much development has been experienced in personality assessment. This is apparent through the existence of timely mechanisms that have been simply invented to help in individuality assessment. The major tests that are in use up to this century are the five factor models, the MMPI and the MBTI by Meyers that uses Briggs indicators (Harwood, Beutler & Groth-Marnat, 2011).