
What Does I Am The Door Mean In The Book Of John

Decent Essays

John, in the synoptic Gospel writings, showed that Christ was deity with the referencing of Jesus’s “I AM” statements. These statements are given for the believer. Unless one knows who they are in Christ, they cannot know who He is through the spirit. Knowing this brings about salvation in Him and faith through Him. John referenced seven emphasis of Jesus being deity, in the book of John, which are:
1) “I am the bread of life”’ (6:35)
2) “I am the Light” (8:12)
3) “I am the door” (10:9)
4) “I am the good shepherd” (10:11)
5) “I am the resurrection and the life” (11:25-26)
6) “I am the way, and the truth, and the life” (14:6)
7) “I am the vine” (15:5)
Be that as it may, I will focus on three of the seven, ‘I AM’s. I will look at their …show more content…

In effect, the narrative invites the readers who recognize Jesus as the revelation of the Father to embody Jesus just as they embody the food they eat.”

“Then Jesus again spoke to them, saying, “I am the Light of the world; he who follows Me will not walk in the darkness, but will have the Light of life.” John is showing that Jesus is the light. Once a person has given their life to Christ, He becomes their guiding light. “Thy word is a lam to my feet and a light to my path.” Through the saving knowledge of Christ, we are no longer bound by darkness, but walk in the freedom of the light of Christ. “The account of John’s ministry in the Fourth Gospel is quite different from that in the Synoptics, for John describes the Coming One as the Lamb of God who will take away the sin of the world (Jn. 1:29). It is customary for modern criticism to see in the Johannine account a radical reinterpretation of John’s ministry by the Christian church in the light of the actual ministry of Jesus.”

The church must represent the light for those that are lost. It must be that beacon on the hill for all to see. People, in our society today, are searching

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