The sonnet “When I Consider How My Light Is Spent” by John Milton was written between 1608-1674 in England. The English poet John Milton was a Puritan in England who eventually became completely blind. In the sonnet the first eight lines, or the octave, the tone is concerned, frustration, and desperate because his incapability of serving God successfully; while the last six lines, the sestet, switches to a resolved and hopeful tone. The theme of the sonnet is finding meaning in the world or in the sonnet “They also serve who only stand and wait” (14). In the sonnet Milton writes about his blindness and doesn’t understand how can use his talent of being a poet to serve God without his sight. In the octave of the sonnet, he begins by thinking about how his sight was spent before he went blind, also how half his life on earth he is in the dark. He wants to serve God as best he can but still can’t figure out how without his eyesight. He begins to question God as to whether God demands physical work when they don't have any light. Then in the sestet he is told that God is like a king and does not need anything from humans and has thousands of angels at his service. They move quickly over land and water, never resting. In the last line of the sonnet, he reflects that even with his disability he has a place in the world. This poem is written in Italian sonnet form. Which is divided up into two sections, octave, and sestet. The first section is about what the writer was thinking
“Blank Sonnet” by George Elliott Clarke is a sonnet expressing struggled communication with a lover through a broken relationship. This poem expresses communication struggles through the stylization that is atypical to a Shakespearean or Petrachin Sonnet. Clarke
In the poem “Unholy sonnet 5,” Mark Jarman shows us a philosophical reflection about what is worth to do in this life based on a repetition of some patters during the poem. The structure of this poem make it a Petrarchan sonnet. This kind of sonnet is composed by two arguments, the first consist on two octaves with a rhyme ABBA and ABBA. Denoting repetition of the words have, hive, mean and men; highlighting these as significant to found sense to the first argument of the sonnet. In a deeper reading of the poem, this first argument is centered in questioning que purpose and meaning of life for human beings, coinciding with the pattern of rhymes and sounds. Following this structure of a Petrarchan sonnet, the second argument is composed by a sestet. This means that the sonnet has a rhyme CDECDE, denoting repetition of the words joy, death and forget; highlighting these as significant to found sense to the second argument of the sonnet. Also, the second argument of the poem centered on a practical analysis of what is worth to do in life (enjoying) before the death, coinciding with the pattern of rhymes and sounds.
Different authors have different styles just as humans express the way we feel by the clothes we dress in or the items we put on our bodies. Styles of types of writing are diction, syntax, and imagery. One author that can easily express his style with these ways is the author Robert Fulghum. In his short story “Dinner Dandruff” his style is expressed greatly by stating his point of views on a serious tone but adding just enough humour.
The main theme within Clarke’s Sonnet is his distance and inability to communicate with a lover. This poem is written for his lover as an attempt to connect with her, although within the poem, he is continuing to communicate poorly. The way in which he copes with this broken relationship drives the tone of the poem.
The main word that pops out at me is the word doubt. The poet could have said “I absolutely know God is good” yet he added the word doubt as if he is unsure of what he is saying. The tone pattern of uncertainty continues to be expressed throughout the sonnet. For example, line 2 “And he did stoop to quibble could tell why” and line 4 “Why flesh that reflects him must some day die”. The ending word of line 2 and beginning word of line 4 is the word “why”, which shows again the author questioning God and His ways. That one word ends up rhyming with the word “die” and if you combine those two words in a sentence you get “why die” as if it was another form of a question in disguise. Cullen wraps up what he is saying by repeating the title of the sonnet “Yet Do I Marvel” as if he is still searching for an answer from God which he will never receive, exemplifying of the entire poem which in a whole is about
John Milton blindness might have stopped him from during many things but he surely didn’t stop doing what he loved. He continue writing and doing his day to day living for he might one day have to present his Maker an account of his live and his faith. “Milton’s faith in God seems to give him the courage to face his life despite his blindness. It is this faith that seems to give him courage and patience to cope and also gives him the hope that salvation lies for those who wait in patience (Darr). John Milton continue with his live even though he was blind but this didn’t stop him because he was doing what he loved and also because of his faith in God.
“We the people” were the first three words of the constitution which prevents one person from having most of the power or all of it. The power is split into three branches which are the Judicial, Executive, and two Legislative branches. That prevents one of the groups or people to have all the power. These branches are still used to this day which is called The constitution. The Constitution splits up the power between people, which stops tyranny and makes it the people, Theirs checks and balances between the branches, and their is a bicameral 2 house congress.
In “Holy Sonnet 14” by John Donne, dramatizes the conflict between contradictions and a relationship with God.
Starting off with a reflection of “how [his] light is spent” (Milton 1), the speaker reminisces over the time before when he had his sight. Now he spends his days in a “dark world and wide” (Milton 2) as it is always night for him. This leads into the primary struggle in the poem as he asks himself, “Doth God exact day-labour, light denied” (Milton 7). The speaker is conflicted whether he must continue his service to God, even though he is blind. As a consolation mechanism for his impairment, Patience appears to answer the speaker’s question. It reminds him that God doesn’t require all his followers to work, but only hopes that they should “bear his mild yoke” (Milton 11). Enduring through suffering and pain is a sign of strength and satisfies God. As Patience could be the speaker’s subconscious, his free will is apparent as he chooses to “stand and wait” (Milton 14). Thus, “Sonnet 19…” portrays stronger self-control than “The World…”
In Sonnet 7 (“Lo, in the orient, when the gracious light..”), one out of the 154 sonnets written by the English playwright and poet, William Shakespeare, focuses on the burden of beauty and how human life can be compared to the passage of the sun rising and setting. Throughout the whole poem, the advice is given to the young man, to follow the sun and its direction. This sonnet is written in iambic pentameter, consists of three quatrains and ends with a couplet while following the rhyme scheme: ABAB CDCD EFEF GG. The poet 's way of using poetic and literary devices such as rhythm, alliteration, and caesuras strengthens the poem’s argument that the sun and man must coexist to live on and that the only way for the youth to ensure their
BibliographyMilton, John. The Complete Poetry of John Milton. New York; Bantam Doubleday Dell Publishing Group, Inc. , 1971.
Milton’s poetry/sonnets are different from any other. He involves Politics and Religion. In his sonnets he will start them off one way, and then with the last two lines throw a twist on it. This is one reason Milton is famous.
Truth and honesty are key elements to a good, healthy relationship. However, in Shakespeare's Sonnet 138, the key to a healthy relationship between the speaker and the Dark Lady is keeping up the lies they have constructed for one another. Through wordplay Shakespeare creates different levels of meaning, in doing this, he shows the nature of truth and flattery in relationships.
Bilingual education in the United States is constantly debated. It is often misunderstood. As Freeman (2000) notes, part of the confusion is caused by the fact that the term refers to a wide range of bilingual programs and practices (p. 204). Practitioners in the field of bilingual education who have educational and linguistic backgrounds strive to implement the most educationally sound policies, programs, and practices in order to best serve the needs of the growing population of English language learners in the United States. These policymakers, language educators, parents, and community members, however, constantly battle opposition that is not always based on truths and evidence, but
A sonnet is a poem of fourteen lines that rhyme in a particular pattern. William Shakespeare’s sonnets were the only non-dramatic poetry that he wrote. Shakespeare used sonnets within some of his plays, but his sonnets are best known as a series of one hundred and fifty-four poems. The series of one hundred and fifty-four poems tell a story about a young aristocrat and a mysterious mistress. Many people have analyzed and contemplated about the significance of these “lovers”. After analysis of the content of both the “young man” sonnets and the “dark lady sonnets”, it is clear that the poet, Shakespeare, has a great love for the young man and only lusts after his mistress.