
John Winthrop Model

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In 1630, the Arbella carried Puritans from England toward the colonies. Once they had arrived, John Winthrop took responsibility to teach the passengers the principles of a model society so the future generations could live well. By following these principles, the community was going to be able to survive by working together in order to ensure that the community would last. Although America started with John Winthrop’s idea of a model society, this nation is no longer the community that was envisioned then because the bond between people has been broken by the racism and the selfishness of most Americans.
In 1630, Puritans, led by John Winthrop, sailed on the Arbella from Boston, England to Salem, Massachusetts because “they were on a holy …show more content…

The ones who are attacked are requiring our attention, yet America pretends the problem is not there. The people decide to ignore the current events and instead they brag about what a perfect country it is. That is another principle America does not follow. When the first colony practiced Winthrop’s rules, they worked together to survive, to create an environment that everyone can benefit from. When their neighbor needed something, they would provide it for them. However, now America tends to ignore the ones in need to avoid any problems. If their neighbor is in trouble, they prefer to go the opposite way, so they do not get involved and bring the problem onto their lives. Another example would be the homeless. When there’s a homeless man on the side of the street asking for help, people just drive by avoiding eye contact so the guilt does not follow them. Eric Johnson states “More than 500,000 people - a quarter of them children - were homeless in the United States this year amid scarce affordable housing across much of the nation, according to a study released on Thursday”, meaning that all of these people did not have a roof to sleep under in, nor a place to call home. Johnson also says “Los Angeles, Seattle, Portland, Oregon and Hawaii have all recently declared emergencies over the rise of homelessness”. Where’s the help? Instead of donating money towards the ones who need it to survive, the …show more content…

John Winthrop teaches the ones from the Arbella that they must keep their neighbor in mind when saving extra. Today, most of the citizens work hard just so their family can have enough to be able to put food on the table. Providing for their neighbor is the last thing in their minds. Some people can barely provide for themselves let alone an entire family. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics, the average consumer yearly expenditures was approximately $55, 978 in 2015. From $55,978, around $29,000 come from housing and shelter. Food adds relatively $7,000, and transportation, education, and healthcare add around $14,000 (“Consumer”). With all the expenses, the family does not have enough to spend what is left on the ones surrounding them, so how can America help each other when in need when they can barely help themselves? Families will prefer to fool themselves into believing that no one needs anything just so they do not have to give from what they have, and when they do happen to save extra, they do not plan on saving for when their neighbor needs it, they plan to save it for when they need it. They may even save it so in the future they can splurge on an expensive item that will please the family, something they do not necessarily need. The people do

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