The Johnston Gate The monumental iron gates still stand today strong today. The gates overall presence dividing the busy streets of Cambridge and the tranquility of Harvard Yard. Just north of Harvard Square stands Johnston gate, for students to enter daily and for city goers and tourists to pass by. Despite its bold and perhaps intimidating appearance, seas of people flood through to catch a glimpse of Harvard Yard and to stop to take a picture with the famous John Harvard Statue. The gate however, has not been present since the institution's founding. Samuel Johnston was a proud member of Harvard’s graduating class of 1855. Several years later, Johnston decided to donate 10,000 dollars to build a gate, leading to the entrance of the famous Harvard Yard. The gate was designed by Charles McKim, an architect and a graduate of Harvard. He designed the gates to have a lavish design, and to be constructed of metals and hand-made red bricks; the bricks …show more content…
People were outraged by the gates appearance due to it’s overdone appearance. The complex design was not seen as tasteful and contradicted the Puritan values that the school was founded upon. The symbolism within the design of the gate still had a cross at the top of the fence representing the Divinity School and Harvard’s Puritan founding. The gate also displays a VERITAS shield on the brick columns that the gate is supported by. Despite the controversial response when first constructed, the gate still stands 126 years later. The gate is seen by many daily and welcomes students and visitors to the Harvard we know today. From the very beginning the Johnston Gate was intended to be Harvard Yard’s main portal. Building the lavish iron gate was a way of making the entrance built to last and also official. The grand entryway has a way of welcoming people to explore the famous sights of the
Would you have quit at Valley Forge? Residing in Valley Forge are 12,000 of approximately 25,000 men of the Continental Army. Led by the phenomenal general George Washington, many brave lives are volunteers to fight for independence. Although the Washington’s army was very hopeful, it was having difficulties parting from Britain. Lacking a settlement for the winter of 1777, half the army retreated to Valley Forge. As they were undergoing horrific times, Britain quartered pleasantly in Philadelphia just 18 miles Northwest. Conditions are horrible for Valley Forge, lacking necessities and military aid. Although the French provided money and troops soon after, it was not nearly enough for the camp. The odds aren’t even at all and a troop’s will
valley Forge was named for an iron forge on Valley Creek in Whitemarsh, Pennsylvania. It was not the best place to set up winter camp for the Continental Army, as it was unable to defend southern Pennsylvania at the time. This location also left the vulnerable under-supplied army in striking distance of the British, who were well provisioned and secured in Philadelphia. The area was close enough to the British to keep their raiding and foraging parties out of the interior of Pennsylvania,
If travelers are fortunate enough to travel through Albany, Texas, they will run across a precious gem of history located in the heart of Shackelford County. The Shackelford County Courthouse can be found in the center of Albany. This majestic courthouse catches the eye of those who pass by it. Many stop to capture a picture to forever hold a glimpse of its beauty. It is unique in that it is recognized as one of the nine Second Empire style courthouses built in Texas. The Texas Historical Commission recognized its uniqueness when it approved Albany’s courthouse to be the first to be restored as part of the courthouse preservation program. Travelers are willing to leave many miles from the beaten path to visit the historic and unique Shackelford County Courthouse since it is one the ideal courthouses in the state of Texas.
“The time is now at hand which must probably determine whether Americans are or be Freemen or Slaves.” -George Washington. It all started on a cold and wintry day in December. Soldiers began to make a winter camp at Valley Forge, about 18 miles west of Philadelphia.In October Washington's army retreated from Boston and New York in October, and just recently had failed in keeping the British out of Philadelphia. Philadelphia is the Forming Nation's Capitol. The army retreated to Valley forge, where they would stay for the next many months.They would stay until they could defeat the British in Philadelphia, in which the British set up base comfortably. I am a 9 month soldier, and my contract ends on March first.
Kit foxes, also called Vulpes Macrotis are among the smallest foxes in America. The kit fox is very easily mistaken for a dog however when you look at their appearance you realize that proportions are not that of a dog's. Many people often confuse the kit fox with its larger cousin, the grey desert fox.
Lately I have been hearing a lot about security of patient’s health records and how people are losing their jobs behind accessing information that they have no need to be in. It got me to wondering just how secure our personal information is from prying eyes and how who is alerted when these prying eye are in information that doesn’t concern them. So, when I ran across this article “Security Audits of Electronic Health Information” and “HIPAA Security Rule Overview” it caught my eye and curiosity on how they might work hand in hand when it comes to protecting what information is accessed by personnel. So, I choose these articles to get more information on this topic.
Neil Johnson is a singer-songwriter from the northwestern, United States. Raised up from a family of traveling musicians, Neil has developed a passion for the pickup gig, the "show up and blow doors" mentality, the "where did this guy come from?!" league. It's gotten him into trouble and it's gotten him into the hearts of many who have had the pleasure of watching his performance.
It was the year 1777. The Revolutionary War is breaking out and George Washington and his army are making camp at Valley Forge during a dreadful winter. It was the week before Christmas when Valley Forge was established. 18 miles northwest of Philadelphia,at valley Forge, George Washington was at valley Forge to watch the British. The total troops at Valley Forge was in December 1777 was 12,000. Then in February 1778 there was 8,000. So my question is: Had you been a soldier at Valley Forge, would you have quit? I have decided to not re-enlist for three reasons which are 12 men living in one hut, not wanting to get smallpox and dysentery, and I do not want to die.
I have known Mr. Jerry Watson since 2000. At that time, he was reacquainting himself with civilian life after retiring from the twenty-plus years of service to our country as an Army Pilot. Mr. Watson has been employed by the Alaska Department of Corrections for over fifteen years and has become the invaluable professional spokesman of the justice system during this time. Moreover, Mr. Watson has maintained a substantial achievement performance. This is apparent, he has successfully occupied every available position within his facility. From Floor Officer to Assistant Superintendent, has progression was not stopped by his ability, but, because he could not fill an occupied position. From his professional presentations given at tours of the facility to his on the record testimonials given as an expert witness, he is skilled in engaging all audiences. I’m as confident in his abilities. Moreover, the State of Alaska, Department of Corrections has placed in a position that requires knowledge, skills, ability, and patients. All of which could benefit you.
What is an athlete? An athlete is someone who strives for first place and works hard to get there. There has been many controversies over whether or not NASCAR drivers are considered athletes or not. However, NASCAR drivers are considered athletes. Take five time championship winner Jimmy Johnson for example. Jimmy Johnson is an athlete because he practices as often as he can and he participates in a highly competitive and challenging sport.
William Johnson was a slave before being freed at age 11, along with his mother, Amy, and sister, Adelia. He got his barber shop in 1830 from his half brother, James Miller. After starting his barber shop, he keeps a diary and he used it until he died. He also owned a bathhouse and bookstore.He married named Ann Battles, who was also a free african american. They had about 11 children before Johnson died. He lived in the free town of Natchez, and he almost had about three thousand dollars in 1835. Johnson was friends with other freed african americans like Robert McCary and hunted and fished with them. Johnson and Baylor Winn got into a dispute and it ended in Johnson`s favor in court. Winn was upset and shot Johnson when he was returning to
In “How To Read Like A Professor,” by Thomas C. Foster, The fence between the boy and the girl is obviously symbolizing a barrier between the two such as a fence and a brick wall. Although everyone can have different interpretations when it comes to symbols, as you can see by reading everyone else’s posts, most people interpret symbols the same way. Along with serving as a barrie. He sees what he wants because fences are see through. For Example, have a fence in between houses allows you to talk to the neighbors. In other neighborhoods there are brick walls which are more tougher and doesn't allow others to see. As Chris said, if it were a wall, the boy wouldn’t have been nearly as tempted to talk to her. Although Scott’s reply to Chris was more of a joke as it was a point. If a brick wall was between the two, conversation would have been very difficult because they won't be able to see each
There are three distinct categories of students who attend Forsyth Technical Community College: the hyper high school students, the young adult students, and the mature older students. Of course, there are outliers to each of these categories, but the majority of students fall within these three groups.
The play “Fence” by August Wilson’s has a connection with real world fence. “The yard is a small dirt yard, partially fenced, except for the last scene, with a wooden sawhorse, a pile of lumber, and other fence-building equipment set off to the side. The Opposite is a tree from which hangs a ball made of rags. A baseball bat leans against the tree. Two oil drums serve as garbage receptacles and sit near the house at right to complete the setting” (Wilson 2). He mentions that the fence has three parts open, unopened and cornerstone. The word yard and fence are symbolically represented structure and dream of country, society and Troy’s family.
The gate is an important symbol throughout the novel and carries great significance. The author chooses this to be a symbol because Janie, the main character, passes through a literal gate in the story whenever her life is about to change. There are three instances where Janie passes through a gate and soon after, her life takes a turn, either beneficial or upsetting. "She thought awhile and decided that her