
Josh Gordon As A Role Model For Children

Decent Essays

Professional athletes are role models for the youth of the nation of the United States of America. The professional athletes of the nation of the United States and the world need to be good role models for the children of the world. When professionals do inexcusable things such as drugs or violence it makes children believe these things are okay to do. The first case that was presented to the public was the case of Josh Gordon. Josh Gordon is a professional wide receiver in the NFL and plays on the Cleveland Browns. Josh Gordon was caught with the charge of possession of marijuana for the third time just before the 2014 NFL season. Josh Gordon is a role model for children across the country. When Gordon did this it was all over the media. This affected children not only in Cleveland, but all across the country. Josh Gordon should have to serve the children of the nation by having to have to go many meetings with children and talking about how the …show more content…

This case is so delicate because it deals with domestic abuse. Rice was suspended the first two games of the NFL season for punching his wife cold in an elevator and then proceeding to drag her out by her legs. I am a firm believer that domestic abuse is bad no matter the situation. Rice’s suspension was changed to him being kicked out of the NFL and off the Baltimore Ravens. Rice was kicked out after the commissioner of the NFL caught much grief from fans. These fans were not just women but men to. This is a very strong topic in the United States. Even though he did do this he apologized on national television not only to his wife but the media and to everyone who saw the video. Rice has recently fought the NFL in court and got the right to be a player again once the 2015 season starts. I believe what Rice went through with media and with the NFL was good for him and he should get a second chance as Rice has a clean rap sheet other than this

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