
Journey In The Philippines : My Journey Through The Phillipines

Decent Essays

Journey Through the Phillipines
I have always been interested in my heritage, thus I do my best to indulge myself in the culture of the Philippines. As a result, my pilgrimage will take place in the Philippines, but not just to go and see the sights and enjoy the food, but to find a rainbow Eucalyptus tree, “The tree is the only Eucalyptus species found naturally in the northern hemisphere. And yes, it's also native in the Philippines, but it’s not found solely in that part of the country, but in other islands as well, such as Negros.”(The Rainbow Tree of Bago City) This journey will test my knowledge of the botany and wildlife in the Philippines, without ever being there myself. With the hope of obtaining knowledge and experiences that my ancestor may have endured that will possibly have a life lasting effect on me. Within the Philippines, multiple languages are spoken, due to the very tribal attributes that the Philippines has. Thus, before I begin on my journey, I would have to learn and relearn some of the languages including, but not limited to, “Tagalog, Ilocano, and Bisaya…”(Major Languages of the Philippines) so that I may be able to communicate on my own without the need for an interpreter, to be somewhat self sufficient. Another barrier will be the weather, for the Philippines tends to have more humidity and rain than Texas, thus may cause my body to take time to adapt to the climate, since there is also a slight decrease in the average elevation between the Philippine and Texas. Also, transportation will be an issue when I am hopping from island to island, for the Philippines is a chain of dormant and inactive volcanic Islands. For the four main forms of transportation I will most likely use while I am in the Philippines will be a Jeepney, which is a twin-benched jitney bus, seating about a dozen passengers, “As American troops began to leave the Philippines at the end of World War II, hundreds of surplus jeeps were sold or given to local Filipinos. Locals stripped down the jeeps to accommodate several passengers, added metal roofs for shade, and decorated the vehicles with vibrant colors and bright chrome hood ornaments” (History of the Philippine Jeepney ) A second form of transportation

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