
Jubien's Definition Of The Universe

Decent Essays

Jubien begins his argument by defining the universe as all of the physical aspects of space. With this as his foundation it is not possible for the Big bang to be the origin of the universe. As discussed in lecture, the common man denotes all this physical to being related to a first cause in an infinite chain of causes. This ideal is based on the thoughts that there was nothing before he Big Bang, and that the event itself started everything we can receive through our senses. According to Jubien’s definition of the universe as containing all physical and material things, any physical cause could not be the origin of the universe because it would cause two new questions to arise. What was that event’s cause? If it is even plausible, how can a physical event take place outside of the universe? Jubien would say that the origin of the universe can be answered with a simple “I don’t know,” because there is only so far back causes can observably go before there is a lack of information available. Any physical cause of the universe can be traced to another cause, and therefore cannot be the origin of the universe.

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