
Judeo-Christian Tradition Research Paper

Decent Essays

Throughout this paper, the term Judeo-Christian tradition will be used to reference the Judaism and Christianity religions as no distinction can be made between the two with the sources provided.
Hinduism, Buddhism, and Judaism, and Christianity are four of the foremost religious ideologies of classical antiquity. Each of these three factions’ beliefs in a higher power widely vary from each other with one believing in many gods, one believing in one god, and one believing in no god. They differ in the delivery of the doctrine as well, with one being read from ancient texts, one from meditation, and one from god himself. Hinduism, Buddhism, and the Judeo-Christian tradition are nearly entirely unique when compared to the other with the only …show more content…

While reaching and aboding in the Four Absorptions, the Buddha reflected on the Four Aryan Truths. With his mind fully awakened “he fathomed the Twelve Causes in the chain of Dependent Origination” (93). The Twelve Causes were as follows; “in the past life: 1. There is ignorance, 2. Ignorance conditions the predisposing mental formations, in the presents life: 3. The predisposing mental formations condition discriminative consciousness, 4. discriminative consciousness conditions mind-in-body, 5. mind-in-body conditions the six senses, 6. six senses condition contact, 7. Contact conditions feeling, 8. Feeling conditions craving, 9. Craving conditions attachment, 10. Attachment conditions the process of becoming, in the future: 11. The process of becoming conditions rebirth, 12. Rebirth conditions decay and death, likewise sorrow, lamentation, pain, grief, and despair” (93-94). The Buddha then proclaimed, “Thus does the entire mass of suffering arise. But on the complete fading out and cessation of ignorance, this entire mass of suffering comes to an end” (94). The Buddha and his followers believe that in order to achieve nirvana and cease rebirth one must first extinguish ignorance of the Four Aryan Truths within one’s self through the Four …show more content…

Instead of through ancient text, as with Hinduism, or through the meditation of a leader, as with Buddhism, the Judeo-Christion doctrine was spoken directly from god as he did to Moses with the ten commandments. “You shall have no other god to set against me. You shall not make a carved image for yourself […]. You shall not bow down to them or worship them […]. You shall not make wrong use of the name of the LORD your GOD […]. Remember to keep the Sabbath day holy. You have six days to labour […] but the seventh day is a Sabbath […] that day you shall not do any work […]. Honour thy father and your mother […]. You shall not commit murder. You shall not commit adultery. You shall not steal. You shall not give false evidence against your neighbor. You shall not covet your neighbor’s house […] or anything that belongs to him” (98-99). The Judeo-Christian god is not above testing his followers’ faith as can be seen in the story of Job. God allowed Satan to test Job’s faith by destroying his livelihood and all that he loved. When Job’s faith did not waver as he exclaimed, “The LORD gives and the LORD takes away; blesses be the name of the LORD” (99). God then allowed Satan to

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