
Jung Typology Personality Analysis

Decent Essays

The results of my DISC Assessment test were extremely interesting, and in my opinion, quite accurate as well. My results showed that I am very decisive and interactive, then I am moderately stable, but not very cautious, systematic, or much of a perfectionist. These results also tied in fairly closely with my Jung Typology personality test results, which I will explain throughout the latter portion of my paper. My DISC results also ranked my seven dimensions of value and motivation. Not surprisingly for me, “altruistic” was my highest value, sitting at 93 out of 100. This is because I have a very high sincerity and genuine interest in helping others. As well as I am a giving person who desires to provide an environment in which there is opportunity …show more content…

“Aesthetic” and “economic” values both sat at 50, then “theoretical” was at 31, then “regulatory” at 28, and “political” at 26. I definitely agree with these results, and I am not shocked by how low my theoretical, regulatory, and political values are. This is because I am able to balance and understand the need to have structure and order, but I am not paralyzed without it. I am also supportive of the efforts of the team, so I have no hidden agendas, and I am willing to surrender control if necessary. According to my results, as a leader, I am generally known as steadfast and dependable. I can develop a variety of strategies and procedures as situations demand, and I will work hard to make sure they are successful. I agree with the results that I am fairly self-confident and actively seek new or challenging projects. Lastly, I show confidence in my ability to motivate and persuade others into the behaviors required for the desired outcome of the project. I aspire to continue to grow in this area, by not losing my enthusiasm, becoming more responsible and encouraging, and building my confidence to become an even more successful future …show more content…

These results were interesting to me because it indicated that I have a moderate preference of extraversion over introversion; a moderate preference of sensing over intuition; and a moderate preference of feeling over thinking. Each one of these characteristics were favorable by 38%. I found this to be odd that all three of these traits were at a preference of exactly 38%. However, for my last letter, my results indicated that I have marginal or no preference of judging over perceiving. Judging was only favored by 3%, and therefore, that is why the ESFP personality type can also be a fit for me. By simply looking at the four words indicated by the letters of my results, I believe that each one is pretty accurate. However, I definitely would have predicted more than a moderate preference of extraversion over introversion. I probably would have guess that extraversion would be favored by 70-80%, not by only 38%. I was also quite surprised that judging was only favored by 3% over

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