
Justice In Sleepers

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The movie “Sleepers” directed by Barry Levinson in 1996, showcases four young offenders who find themselves involved in the short-sighted youth criminal justice system. The youth justice system has changed dramatically since the time of the film, and this change will be explored through the comparison of proceedings related to charges placed on the youth back then, versus now. Through comparison of current and old processes within the Canadian justice system, one can identify how these young individuals may have been dealt with today. Restorative justice has made a huge impact on the decisions made when deciding sentencing options for youth offenders. For the purpose of discussion, it will be explored in the context of the four boys in the …show more content…

Youth offender programs are also very helpful when trying to make sure the person still has the opportunity to be rehabilitated. Examples of local programs include the YJ Mental Health Access Program, the Turning Point PATH Program (PATH) or the Youth Mental Health Court Worker Program (YMHCW). These programs address mental health and developing minds through strengthening their life paths and supporting reintegration back into their communities (Turning Point Youth Services, n.d). These types of programs are beneficial as they can address the underlying causes of youth involvement in crime. The four boys in the Sleepers film had harsh punishments which lead to varying results, and in their case, unfortunate circumstances. In the present day, the youth criminal justice system aims to protect the safety of young people and stays away from the methods of the adversarial system. Diversion programs have been shown to reduce recidivism and promote a healthier mindset in youth

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