It is a usual believe that a prime minister spends most must spend his time in his office, poring over papers officiating meetings with his ministers. But judging by what we see in the media, Justin Trudeau may be spending little time in his office. Most of the time he seems to be travelling, making public appearances, meeting other famous people — from world leaders to provincial premiers to films stars — or welcoming refugees. Like a celebrity he does not shy away from shaking hands, he high-fives, pauses for selfies, participate in sport, dances in public and clown around. These make him comes across as affectionate and likable, emphasizing his celebrity status. His father Pierre Trudeau, could also be characterized as politician widely
This article talks about Liberal leader Justin Trudeau and his vow to bring Canadians together as one and to make Canada an open, confident and hopeful country. At a rally in Brampton, Ontario, he criticizes Stephen Harper’s “small and fearful” vision of Canada and promises to change that. Trudeau uses a direct quote of Franklin Roosevelt (“We have nothing to fear but fear itself”) to compare Harper’s plan for Canada saying that he has nothing to offer us but fear. Trudeau states that it’s a prime minister’s job to build Canadians up and together, not to tear us apart. Nearly 5 000 supporters attended the rally and it ironically took place in Brampton because it is one of Canada’s most ethnically diverse cities. Half of the population are immigrants
Canadian to be treated as an equal. Culturally, Trudeau wanted to celebrate and unite the
Canada's prime minister Justin Trudeau quickly came to global popularity for a few things. There is the fact that he is the second youngest politician to hold the position. Of course, there is also the fact that he has some good looks to go with his political pedigree. And, most importantly to some, he is known for his approval of recreational weed use in the country.
-Mr.Justin Trudeau was elected as Prime Minister. That marked a change in government, from Conservative to Liberal government The Conservative party was in power from February 6, 2006 until November 4, 2015.
We are the new winning party that will benefit you from head to toe. We will exceed the Liberals at allowing more help to people in need.
In 2017 Justin Trudeau has made a big impact in Canada. Trudeau has stepped up big time and although a lot of people have underestimated him. He has pushed through that to prove them wrong. Although a group of people do not like what he has done a great job to change Canada and a load of other countries too. Trudeau is part of the Liberal party in Canada, he has changed Canada significantly in good and bad ways, but mostly good.
Mackenzie king was probably the most controversial and ambitious Prime Minister Canada had ever seen. The road for him in procuring and retaining the position of prime minister was not an easy one. His political career was fraught with dangerous obstacles such as his arch nemesis Arthur Meighen, the great depression, and the matter of conscription. Only with his determination and grit was he able to maintain office (although not consecutively), for almost 22 years, becoming Canada’s longest serving prime minister. Although he was an excellent politician he was not this way as a person. He was not below conspiring against his so called friends or even dishonoring their reputation or position. He was very subtle in the ways he obtained and
Pierre Elliot Trudeau, a Francophone born in Montreal, became Canada’s 15th Prime Minister, with his Liberal Party, on April 20th, 1968. He is a vital person who had a tremendously positive impact on Canada and its civilians. The vision he dreamt of giving birth to a nation with freedom and peace was achieved a couple of years into his political career. He had his fair share of downfalls as a Prime Minister, but overall the outcome he achieved of his country was magnificent, a result no other Prime Minster in Canadian history could attain.
Pierre Elliott Trudeau was a remarkable man who has made a significant impact in the Canadian society. Trudeau was voted to be the fifteenth Prime Minister of Canada from April 20, 1968 to June 4, 1979. Trudeau has put a lot of effort into making Canada a better place and he was truly passionate. His actions spoke louder than words and he proved to a lot of Canadians how he was the best Prime Minister of the Post- war Era in a lot of people’s eyes. Back then, a lot of people liked and supported him and his actions, that’s why he has been re-elected and continued being Canada’s Prime Minister from March 3, 1980 to June 30, 1984. Trudeau’s ambitious attitude and determination has brought him to all the successes he had made during the fifteen
of Canada's greatest prime ministers. Some might say that he was a good or bad leader, but that is all in
The October Crisis that occurred in 1970 is quite a controversial topic, however, one can say that prime minister, Pierre Trudeau handled it quite well. Trudeau’s actions and decisions to resolve the October Crisis were justified. His actions were validated by the FLQ’s (Front de Libération du Quebec) intellectual ideas and the immediate threat he dealt with. Trudeau made quick political decisions to handle the calamity, however, the immediate crisis was impacting the cities across Quebec. His actions were proven to be the best and most accurate actions, because the War Measures Act was successful in eliminating the abrupt crisis. Pierre Elliot Trudeau was a man with good intentions, and as prime minister he dealt with the October Crisis in a way that ensured the safety of the province. Trudeau’s character and decisions, validates his actions to resolve the crisis in 1970.
As a teenager, Pierre Trudeau attended Collège Jean-de-Brébeuf, a French-speaking Jesuit institution. At home, the Trudeaus spoke a mixture of French and English, so Pierre found the transition from an English school to a French one quite effortless . His interest in politics has waned slightly. Instead, he wanted to become a sea captain, explorer, or an astronaut, a term not yet coined. He loved to travel, and just before he had graduated from high school, he toured the Gaspé Region on foot, rode through the three Maritime Provinces on a motorcycle, visited British Columbia, and took a train to Mexico.
Pierre Philippe Yves Elliot Trudeau, better known as Pierre Trudeau, was an author, a university professor, a lawyer and a politician. Through his political actions, as well as through his personality, he stimulated a great deal of emotions, both positive and negative, among the Canadian public. Thus making him a very memorable figure. He introduced important political initiatives, which strongly influenced many aspects of Canadian political and private life. His significance is still recognized by Canadians at present, which is illustrated by the fact that in 2004, he was selected as the
Arriving in Canada on Saturday on a weeklong authority visit with guardians Prince William and Kate Middleton, George, holding his dad's hand, disregarded Trudeau when he crouched to the little child's level to offer a high-five variety, the low-five.
One article even goes as far to claim that if an election was held tomorrow, Trudeau would lose because the public reaction to the trip was so negative (Global News. 2018). Trudeau wore traditional Indian clothing and the trip was much more tourist-heavy than business related. This started right from the get-go as Prime Minister Trudeau and his family stepped out of the airplane in traditional Indian clothing. Most Canadians were taken aback by this as he wore traditional clothing rather than regular, everyday clothing. The garments he wore are typically worn in Bollywood movies by bridegrooms (CBC, 2018).