
Kabbalah Research Paper

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The Kabbalah Centre is a non-profit organization that makes the principles of Kabbalah understandable and relevant to everyday life. The Kabbalah Centre teachers provide students with spiritual tools based on kabbalistic principles that students can then apply as they see fit to improve their own lives and by doing so, make the world better. The Centre was founded by Rav Yehuda Ashlag in 1922 and now spans the globe with brick-and-mortar locations in more than 40 cities as well as an extensive online presence. The Path of Evolution Sometime in the 13th century, esoteric concepts, such as transitions of the soul, became part of many Jewish communities throughout Europe and the Middle East. Expanding throughout these lands between 1500 and …show more content…

By 1921, as a grown man, Rav made his move to Jerusalem and established a small Yeshiva to teach Kabbalah to the scholars of Torah. And thus began the first Kabbalah Centre. By the 1980s, The Kabbalah Centre had already evolved into a growing movement; gaining in expansion and momentum as well, Centres were also seeded along international paths such as in Toronto. The Kabbalah Centres did not require any membership fees and people could choose to acquire their Kabbalah learning by attending Sabbath services. Likewise, fellowship meals and holiday festivities were also routinely celebrated. Eventually, the movement expanded into New York, Los Angeles, and Chicago. Also, expansion efforts included London, Paris, Johannesburg and Mexico City. The Kabbalah Centre Today Becoming an institution to teach Kabbalah to non religious followers and audiences, the Centres offer what can be considered as spiritual disciplines and not religious practices in nature. Translating ancient texts, making Kabbalah accessible to all and bringing relevance to people of all faiths remains the backbone of Centre activities. In short, bringing Kabbalah to people of all ethnic, spiritual or national backgrounds--Jew or non-Jew

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