
Kaiden And Babysister: A Short Story

Decent Essays

RE: The Alpha's precious human (Kaiden & Babysister)
When she woke the following morning it was with confusion, at the familiar and yet unfamiliar surroundings. It took her a good minute to remember why she was at Kaiden's house and not her own room. As her new reality closed in on her she felt lost. Like a child that just wanted to run home to her parents. But they wouldn't have her anymore. To them she was as good as dead and they would have nothing more to do with her. At a small sound she turned her head and found her lifemate sorting through her clothing and putting everything away. He had so easily integrated her into his life, as easily as her parents had case her out of theirs. She shook her head at his offer of food, it just didn't …show more content…

Though as he spoke she realized he had a point. She wasn't alone. Trinity had Kaiden, she had their unborn child, the pack. The world would keep on turning, it wasn't going to end because her parents had cast her aside. It didn't exactly lighten her mood, but it did cast things into perspective. It would all be okay in the end. Now, she and Kaiden could be openly together. “Is that offer of breakfast still on the table?” His reminder of their child had her determined to get something in her belly, for its sake. After he left a beautiful little white wolf crept into the room. It was fairly clear by its mannerisms that it knew it wasn't supposed to be in here. Still, that didn't stop it from hopping up into bed with her and curling up with his head resting on her lap. There was something very soothing about stroking the soft white head, though she wasn't as appreciative of dog slobber on her other hand. Still, she drew comfort from the animal and thanked him as Kaiden came back into the room with breakfast. He all but chased the poor guy out and Trinity almost smiled. The wolf knew he wasn't supposed to be in here but wanted to cheer …show more content…

There was so much of it Trinity doubted she could get through half. At her skeptical look he assured her he would eat whatever he didn't eat, while also handing her utensils that looked as if they had never been used. What? Did everyone eat out of a doggy bowl or something? Or were they all so barbaric they simply tore into the food using their hands? Paws? As she talked the behemoth on her plate, Kaiden returned to rearranging and organizing the last of her clothes. No waiting around for him, he wanted her to feel right at home. The longer she sat there and watched him, shoveling food into her mouth all the while, she found she did feel at home. As long as she had him she would always be at home. A small smile dimpled the corners of her mouth. With him and their baby, she was home. Thoughts of their child clouded her thoughts and the fork lay empty beside the plate, the fear of yesterday sinking in. What would her human blood do to their child? What would the wolf blood Kaiden possessed do to it? Would it be born malformed? Or what if something was wrong with it in general? Would they made good parents? Was she even ready to be a mother yet? Not entirely. But ready or not it was going to come. Kaiden had joined her by this point and, as promised, was gobbling up the uneaten food on her plate. By this point Trinity was pleasantly full. As though he were reading her mind Kaiden explained the differences this

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