
Kamryn's Life-Personal Narrative

Decent Essays

Kamryn was driving home from school when suddenly she got a call from her mom. Her dad, Clinton had a heart attack and doesn’t have long left to live. Up until this single accident that has started a chain of events, Kamryn’s life had been coming along fine. She had gotten married four months ago, only had three weeks until she was going to graduate from college, and the day before got accepted into the biggest fashion company in New York. Her parents had been divorced for several years, but she had agreed with their decision. After she told her husband Hunter that she would be leaving for North Carolina, she got an airplane ticket and left. Once the plane landed Kamryn went straight to the hospital only to see her mom talking to the lawyer. As her mother looked over at her, Kamryn realized she would never again see her father. All those memories that she once shared with him flashed before her eyes, making pancakes in the morning, playing board games, and getting up for Christmas. She was devastated. The next day Kamryn, her brother Maxx and her mother Circe went to the lawyer’s office to look …show more content…

It was then a random number called her. She slowly clicked the end button and went to Hunter to tell him, Kamryn’s mom just called to sue her. After going to court several times, Kamryn went away with losing nothing but a mother. She later talked to her brother on the phone about him driving up to New York to move in to the dorm rooms. The day her brother headed up to New York, Kamryn spent the whole day cleaning the house. Maxx walked into the door and heard Kamryn in the back bathroom, and found her with her head over the toilet. They rushed her to the hospital and found out that she was pregnant with a little baby boy. Once Hunter got off work and rushed home they decided to name the little boy after one of the most important people in their lives,

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