
KazMunaiGas Exploration Production Company Analisys Essay example

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I. Introduction
In today’s world, with the transition to a market economy many entrepreneurs and business leaders start to think more carefully about the way of efficiently organizing financial activities of the company, improving the management of financial resources and differentiating company’s policies and performance for firm’s future prosperity. This term paper addresses such issues for KazMunaiGas Exploration Production Company by the analysis of firm’s structure, corporate governance, financial statement and all other important factors that determine a financial condition of the company.
A. Objective The main goal of this work is to obtain a small number of the key and most informative parameters that give objective and …show more content…

E. Significance of the issue
The significance of this study lies in illustrating to the company’s management the weaknesses in firm’s policies regarding use of financial resources, selection of sources or amount of acquired external funding and stock performance on the market. Therefore, the ultimate findings of this project are important for the company’s administration in a sense that they may assist to identify inefficiencies in firm’s performance and eliminating these weaknesses for the further successful development of the company. Finally, this project is valuable for potential investors who consider investing in local companies as it will allow them to learn and evaluate investment opportunity in stock of KazMunaiGas.

II. Findings and Analysis
Brief description of the company
KazMunaiGaz Exploration Production JSC is a subsidiary of National Company KazMunayGas, which belongs to National Wealth Fund «Samruk-Kazyna». KMG EP was founded in March 2004 by the merger of two hitherto joint stock companies, Uzenmunaigas and Embamunaigas. JSC “EP “KazMunaiGaz” is a leading company in the field of hydrocarbon exploration and production in Kazakhstan, and among the leaders of the oil and gas sector in the Caspian region. The main activities of oil and gas properties carried out in the Caspian and Mangistau basins of western Kazakhstan. JSC KMG EP has production branches UzenMunaigas and EmbaMunaigas, also Kazgermunai

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