
Keeping The Minimum Legal Drinking Age

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Walking In a Straight Line Writer Dedel Kelley said, “The proportion of underage youth who drink has not changed significantly over the past decade in the United States. Indeed, if anything, they are starting to drink at a younger age, and their drinking patterns are becoming more extreme.” Keeping the minimum legal drinking age (MLDA) at twenty-one or lowering it to the age of eighteen has been a continuous issue in the United States. People, mostly adolescent teenagers, say it should be lowered because if one is able to vote at the age of eighteen, they should also be allowed to drink. Sure, when a seventeen-year-old turns eighteen they are considered an adult, but age does not define maturity; just because they would be classified as an adult does not mean they can be responsible and handle alcoholic beverages like a parent, for example. The legal drinking age should remain at twenty-one and should not be lowered to the age of eighteen because people who are eighteen years old and younger are still juvenile. If the legal drinking age were to be lowered to eighteen, teenagers put society at risk because most will go behind the wheel while under the influence of alcohol; they are not only putting society at risk but also themselves because they could start an early binge drinking habit and affect their health. Drinking generally increases in popularity amongst teenagers each year, which fuels the controversial issue of lowering the drinking age to eighteen or keeping it

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