
Kenyon Commitment Speech Summary

Decent Essays

A liberal arts degree is much more than a piece of paper representing a waste of time and money, as some may believe. Instead, a liberal arts degree is a piece of paper representing true utilization of what further education should really be. Often times, people get caught up in the question of where they're going, but while it's important to strive for success, they forget to strive for quality. This applies to college students in the sense that, when choosing a major, practicality is often prioritized over passion.
In his "Kenyon Commencement Speech" David Foster Wallace advocates, "The really significant education in thinking that we're supposed to get in a place like this isn't really about the capacity to think, but rather about the choice of what to think about." College offers a wide range of course opportunity, but the opportunity is wasted when students aren't in tune with their own mind. …show more content…

Clearly each writer, and/or speaker can agree college needs to be more about the students. Students need to be able to afford education as well as trust in the system to give them their money’s worth. I believe, while liberal arts is heavily promoted in our readings, the idea of educating people on what they love rather than what the world deems important is the best solution. College should be about stretching the mind, as stated by multiple authors, and it should be a rich experience. Not rich as in monetary value, but rich as in content-heavy. The generalized point being made by each of these individuals, and the point I relate most clearly with, is colleges need to re-prioritize the content they are putting out as well as how they are doing

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