
Kern County Fire Department: A Case Study

Decent Essays

Since my audience is a mixed group of individuals who are not associated with my organization, for the purpose of this assignment I will assume that they are actually members of the Fire Prevention and Education division of the Kern County Fire Department. After reviewing the materials presented both in the book and covered in my prior presentations, Fire Prevention and Education is the division that could benefit the greatest from a needs assessment. Going through each of the needs assessment steps –(1) identify problem or need, (2) determine needs-assessment, (3) collect data, (4) analyze data, (5) provide feedback– resulted in the creation of a desired performance or behavior that is measurable, observable, and realistic. The training will be focused on the ensuring that the division members improve their ability to work with, both private and public organizations, to create emergency evacuation plans. Addressing the steps of the needs assessment, the first step of identifying a …show more content…

Determining the needs-assessment design would depend on time, cost, and available resources. Each of these criteria limits the methods that could be used to collect data. Some of the data collection methods that could be used are: (1) closed-ended questionnaires, (2) observation, and (3) analysis of existing information. Each one of the methods stated addresses a different aspect of the criteria used for determination. The closed ended questionnaires would be used since they allow for employees to directly and easily answer questions that identify the current outcomes in a reasonable amount of time. Secondly, using observation would provide for low cost direct review of current outcomes in real situations, resulting in highly relevant collected data. Finally, the analysis of existing information would use the resources that are readily available to be collected and reviewed to understand desired

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