
Khokana Outbreak Research Paper

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Khokana Outbreak 2015: The Needle in the Haystack The first step to identifying the unknown bacteria residing on the blood agar plate that was presented to me was to Gram stain it. This is an important first step into identification because it dictates and narrows the field of further tests that need to be done. Upon viewing it under the microscope, the purple color of the cocci in chain-like groupings revealed it to be Gram-positive. Following protocol for gram positive specific bacteria, a negative catalase test proved that the cocci were indeed in the chain-like pattern of streptococcus and not of staphylococcus origin. Focusing back onto the blood agar plate, gamma hemolysis was noted. This means the optochin and bacitracin tests were not needed as those pinpoint alpha- and beta-hemolytic bacteria. The positive bile esculin agar and salt tolerance test results concluded that the unknown bacteria on my plate was Entercoccus faecalis. Further investigation was needed to prove that this was the needle in the haystack of microorganisms causing the symptoms of diarrhea, bloody stool and sepsis amongst the villagers of the Khokana Outbreak. E. faecalis was once thought to be a very harmless, non-spore forming, commensal bacteria that …show more content…

faecalis has a low pathogenicity (scilo), it is a virulent, opportunistic pathogen to be reckoned with and is thought of as a super-bug. This is not only due to its ability to resist a variety of antibiotics, but also its ability to travel and form biofilms. It can grow and adapt in many different environments. It can thrive in a wide range of temperatures and has disregard whether salt or oxygen are present, or whether the pH is basic or acidic. Its resilience on inanimate objects makes it a perfect candidate for transmission to occur within the hospital environment from hand to instrument, but it can also be spread via hand-to-hand contact and from food contamination (Public Health Agency of

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