
Kill A Mockingbird Essays: The Importance Of Common Sense

Decent Essays

Common Sense If the term common sense were to be looked up in the dictionary, the definition would state the ability to think and behave in a reasonable way as well as make good decisions. This raises a lot of questions and diversity in society due to the question; how does one gain common sense? I believe it is a blind instinct, which cannot be studied; it is a second nature that expands throughout the stages of life. Common sense is something that starts affecting your life at an early age, while growing through the different stages from infant through childhood the level of common sense will enhance. Think about an infant, crawling around on the floor wanting to exit the room but cannot figure out how to push the door open. As the infant’s brain grows into its youth, he or she will learn the correct way to get through the door. While a toddler for instance already has that sense and knowledge of how to open the door. This will happen frequently throughout life, it’s a part of the different growing stages. The blind instinct becomes more useful as the child grows into its youthfulness. …show more content…

It is understood by many members of society that common sense is not taught in an elementary school, or in a book, or any lesson plan found online and on television. However, I believe it is utilized to complete daily activities such as hygiene and safety awareness. For instance, babies often times gravitate toward bright colors such as fire or active moment like smoke. They are unaware of the hazards that come along with something so colorful and active. Unlike a child or teenager who would instinctively know the dangers of fire an infant does not have that sense yet to understand the severity of

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