
The Apology For Thomas Paine's Common Sense

Decent Essays

The tally of people with a severe lack of common sense in the modern world is rapidly increasing. Without this common sense, the world turns into a mass of chaos and confusion. According to Merriam-Webster, common sense is defined by having sound and prudent judgment based on a simple perception of the situation or facts. Our world is in a grave and desperate drought of common sense, and the only way to quench this thirst is to reevaluate ourselves, our thoughts, and our practices. Common sense begins with respect for others, thinking and controlling your own thoughts, and letting your moral compass guide you down a path of fidelity. The origin of the phrase “common sense” is somewhat unclear, but most historians agree that the phrase was …show more content…

Freeing one’s mind into a realm of openness without pollution from bogus media sources is a paramount piece of the common sense puzzle that our society needs to solve. To think for one’s self is to have the ability to draw from past experiences and opinions to create a justified thought or action. People of today have become no better than the sheep of a shepherd. We are told what to wear, how to act, what we should believe, and the list continues. Our thoughts are no longer our own, as they all belong to an outside source or influence. Without your own thoughts guiding you, your common sense becomes smothered and your opinions are no longer your own. During the colonial times, the British had stripped the American colonists of their own free thought. The spark of Thomas Paine’s pamphlet, however, was enough to ignite the subconscious of the colonists into taking up arms. Common sense also consists of making decisions consistent with your morals, no matter the circumstances or the consequences. People must make difficult and complex decisions on a daily basis. Each choice, no matter how unimportant, has an everlasting effect on yourself and those around you. Referencing back to the Revolutionary War, the leaders of the revolution knew that a war must be waged in the name of liberty despite the great disadvantage to the powerful British

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