
Kim Renoj Application Report

Satisfactory Essays

To Whom It May Concern and members of the Superintendent Scholarship Committee: Please let this letter serve as recommendation for an extremely gifted young lady. It has been my extreme pleasure to have known Kim Renoj now for the better part of 2 years. Kim has been in my athletic training program for the past 2 years. She has been an extremely hard working and valuable asset to my team. To be an athletic trainer requires a lot of long hours, dedication, all while having a great attitude in sometimes extreme weather situations. For example arriving at the football field house at 5:30 am an hour before everyone else does and starting to tend to our athletes as they arrive. Also having to set up the field and cover football practices in 100+ degree Fahrenheit weather while the rest of her classmates still have 3 weeks left of summer is not easy. Also covering a playoff game and being alert in 30 degree weather takes some mental toughness. All these things require an extremely positive attitude and thick skin. As athletic trainers, we are definitely behind the scenes, and we do not always get recognized. To continue to do your job at a high level day in and day out while getting …show more content…

She is respectful to others around her and always seems to have a smile on her face. Kim has been raised the right way and I have no doubt she will be successful at anything she does because she has a great support system around her. I highly recommend this young woman and am excited to see what she achieves in the future. Kim would be a valuable asset to any organization and any aide sent her way will not be in used in vain. Kim has a passion for achievement, but she also works very hard for it. I would be glad to discuss Kim further with any one and please feel free to reach out to me if any more info is needed. Thank you for your time and your consideration of Ms. Renoj for your prestigious

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