
King Afonso Pestel Influence Essay

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The Portuguese presence in King Afonso’s kingdom had many detrimental effects, including ones derived from the trade of excess goods, illegal slavery, and disease. According to King Afonso, the Portuguese coming into the Kongo undermined his authority when they they gave away a profusion of goods. Portuguese officials were allowing merchants to set up shops and sell goods that were prohibited, and this was done in such abundance that the people lower than the King no longer obeyed the authority, because they possessed more of the items than the authority themselves. In his letter, Afonso mentioned that “...many of our vassals, whom we had in obedience, do not comply because they have the things in greater abundance than we ourselves…” (paragraph …show more content…

The Portuguese also debilitated the King’s authority by establishing a corrupted, out of control slave trade. At first, King Afonso had welcomed business and the trading of slaves. But as time went on, the Portuguese took things too far. Afonso makes a huge point of this in his letter, writing “...the mentioned merchants are taking every day our natives, sons of the land and the sons of our noblemen and vassals and our relatives...and so great, Sir, is the corruption and licentiousness that our country is being completely depopulated…” (paragraph two). Instead of taking and selling people of no importance in his kingdom, the Portuguese were taking noblemen and other respected people as slaves. It was this horrific act that infuriated King Afonso, and his kingdom would have soon be desolate of people if this type of slave trade continued. The disadvantageous effects didn’t stop there with the Portuguese, for they were also sending a lot of civilians over to the Kongo that brought with them disease and sickness. The people of King Afonso’s kingdom had no way of being immune to these illnesses, and according to him this was an enormous disservice to

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