
King Ghidorah Vs Godzilla Essay

Decent Essays

Godzilla vs king Ghidorah
Godzilla is a classical, original foreign film movie, created in japan back the 1954. Its first movie success sky rockets a lot of views leading to a lot of sequels and prequels in its entire series. All its movies include the monster “Godzilla”, a giant lizard to be exact, destroying the cities of japan. When he’s not destroying the cities of japan he’s either saving it from other monsters. Godzilla can be best described as an anti-hero, a film that strongly connects to this agreement is the iconic movie “Godzilla Vs King Ghidorah” this movie has a lot to offer when it comes to time, motion, sound, lighting, sequence, composition, and image. We will be covering these elements on this paper.
The first element that we will be covering is time. This film includes 90 minutes of film which is an average in all films. The movie includes time traveling and historical events such as world war 2. …show more content…

Since this movie is an old movie from the 1990’s it’s obviously that it was recorded with 24 frames per second camera. The movie can be fast at times and can be slow at times. The camera crew and director uses a special “cuts” meaning that when the next scene is shown, there is already movement but can be quickly understand by viewing it carefully. This movie is not only about 2 monsters fighting but also gives a in depth plot, the reason I’m telling you this is because base on you know about Godzilla(I suppose) you may guess that it focuses on fighting and action leading to your theory that there’s a lot of camera movement, hate to burst your bubble but your wrong, and here’s why. In this movie, when there’s sad moments the camera records the scenery with the character, the environment and the weather that for some reason gives the viewer “fillings” despite being a sci fi movie. When there’s an action scene the camera records a land scape of the action and also doesn’t focuses on the characters feeling if it gets

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