
King Mount High School Case Summary

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Case Analysis Ms. Aaron is a highly respected math teacher at King Mount High School who cares about each and every one of her students and strives to help them do the best they can do in her class. She offers help after hours for the students to get one-on-one help on any material they are having trouble with. She is known as the strict teacher who follows all rules and procedures, and she is respected for this by her students as well as her fellow co workers. King Mount High School’s phone policy states that all cellular devices must be turned off during all exams and if a student’s phone causes any interruptions there must be consequences. This policy is constantly reinforced to the students during all exams. Ms. Aaron is a no excuses teacher and thinks all students such be treated equally. This affects her student John because he is dealing with a family emergency and needs his phone on in order to be notified of any changes in his sickly grandmother’s condition. He was fully aware of her rules and contemplated turning off …show more content…

Aaron to punish only John allows her to to be fair to all stakeholders while still setting an example to all of her students. She is able to maintain her reputation as a strict teacher who follows the rules without punishing those who do not deserve the punishment. In this situation John decided to handle this situation as a consequentialist, putting his compassion for his family over his honesty to his teacher and following her rules. Resulting in him facing the consequences of Ms. Aaron’s punishment. He could have avoided all the consequences he put himself and classmates in if he approached the situation using the Systematic Moral Analysis process to weigh out the outcomes of his choices. Although no ethical dilemma is perfect, John following the Systematic Moral Analysis process presents the most advantages for all of the stakeholders, allowing him to

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