
King Vs Burwell Failure

Decent Essays

Failure is an essential step to success. This is what my life motto has become, for no failure is wasted effort, but a mere prelude to success. Back in Junior year one of our biggest projects to get done was a Graduation Worthy Portfolio Presentation (GWPP), which, as the name suggests, is a presentation that counts as a graduation requirement. The presentation entailed my argument for King v. Burwell, and how the decision has improved U.S. healthcare. Merely looking for sources to derive my thesis statement upon was excruciating, especially due to the recent conclusion of the court case in early 2015. It was very difficult to find verified information that I could use to support my argument. Gathering sources took up the most of my time, followed by the tedious process of creating three claims to further develop my thesis statement. Despite all of this, my mentor checked my paper and gave it full marks, which meant I was more than ready to face a panel for GWPP. …show more content…

Having formulated the first claim, I had to cut corners in order to create the next claim, which was in entirety, the same argument simply worded in a different manner. I steeled my resolve and started sweating bullets outside the presentation room, waiting for my panel of teachers to call me up for presentations, while I paced up and down the hallway reciting the facts of the court case as well as my arguments while cringing at the thought of failing because of my second

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