
Know And Learned About Bats

Satisfactory Essays

Things I Know and Learned About Bats
Here are some things I know about bats. Bats are nocturnal, which means they are active at night. They use echo location. Bats aren’t very good with their eyesight, they’re nearly blind! So for this they use their hearing, which is echo location. With echo locations bats send out a sound which spreads out, other animals in the location have these sounds bounce off their body going back to the bat. Which then helps the bats find prey or help with their motion of direction. Bats are also mammals this means they are warm blooded. Some bats carry diseases so if you got a nasty bite from a bat you could possibly get ill.
Alright here are some things I want to know about bats. Why are bats called bats? It sounds

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