
Kohan's Orange Is The New Black: Scene Analysis

Decent Essays

The series I intend to analyze for the purpose of this assignment is Jenji Kohan’s Orange Is The New Black. The highly acclaimed comedy-drama, and Netflix Original Series, made its debut in 2013 and soon became incredibly popular among its viewers. OITNB has received multiple nominations for a plethora of honors ranging from the Golden Globes to the Primetime Emmy Awards. Throughout the confines of this work, I will assess the series’ vastly inclusive representation through its expansive range of characters, its calculated narrative structure, the socially constructed principles it challenges and embraces, and the facets of business that allowed for its ultimately tangible production. The aspect of representation is particularly interesting when discussing OITNB. Featured within …show more content…

Actually, OITNB is regarded by many to be one of the most diverse TV series in the history of filmography. As Michelle Castillo, of declares, “‘Orange Is the New Black’ broke the mold of television programming in many ways. The platform is leading the way towards more multicultural and LGBT casts on television” (Castillo, 2015). In correlation with its entertaining storyline, the series’ inclusive nature accounts for a large portion of the vast successes it has enjoyed in recent years. Its intrinsic morality may be subject to debate, but it is unequivocally sound in its efforts to appeal to an exceptionally broad audience. It challenges more traditional views through expansive vulgarity, but embraces those that may be considered paramount in their tolerance. It is undoubtedly a show of modernity, and accurately depicts many of the socially controversial issues our culture is currently engaged with. The revolutionary series has been commended by many, including contributor, Orli Matlow, who states that the series has, “indisputably changed the world” (Matlow, 2015). OITNB first aired as a Netflix Original Series in July of 2013 and is currently

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