
Kozner's Evidence Based Leadership Framework

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An example of the “enabling others to act” portion of Kouzes and Pozner’s evidence-based leadership framework may be represented by job supervisors and managers who demonstrate various tasks and skills for new employees and/or trainees. According to Abu-Tineh, Khasawneh and Omary (2009) Kouzes and Pozner suggest that leadership is a collection of practices and behaviors, which may be considered essential for transformational leadership (Abu-Tineh, Khasawneh & Omary, 2009). Kouzes and Pozner separated these practices into the following categories: “challenging the process, inspiring a shared vision, enabling others to act, modeling the way, and encouraging the heart” (Abu-Tineh, Khasawneh & Omary, 2009, p. 268). I do agree with their assertion

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