
Kris Carr Obstacles

Satisfactory Essays

Moliere, a french actor, once said, “The greater the obstacle, the more glory in overcoming it.” As we continually go through life, we realize that obstacles are unavoidable. What we have failed to realize is that these obstacles are definitely an opportunity and it is up to us to take the opportunity. Once we experience these challenges and truly meditate on them, we will be able to see that there is an opportunity to every obstacle. Many role models have shown that these opportunities are everywhere through their lives.

We face a lot of obstacles, but we fail to understand that an opportunity accompanies these obstacles. Kris Carr, a famous author and cancer survivor, did not fail to notice that. At the age of 32, Kris Carr was diagnosed with a rare type of lung cancer. She realized that this is a very big obstacle but she did not let it …show more content…

Socrates, one of the best philosophers of the Classical era, developed many new ideas in his time. Since he taught the youth, people thought that he was corrupting them and decided to sentence him to death. When Socrates knew he was sentenced to death, he took it as an opportunity to show the youth that innocence is always being killed. He was able to convey his message to many students who saw him as their leader. His death sentence showed to the population of his residence that innocence is being murdered constantly.

Some may argue that these opportunities may not be as big and impactful as the obstacle. But we need to understand that it is not about how big the obstacle may be. Moliere, the famous actor, explained that the bigger the obstacle, the bigger the opportunity. With this mindset, we will have the courage to overcome any obstacle that we may face because we have the understanding and capability of knowing that the struggle is going to end and that we will have an opportunity to impact ourselves and

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