
Kylie Roberts : The New Vice President Of Westco Enterprise

Decent Essays

Westco Enterprise
Kylie Roberts is the new vice president of Westco Enterprise. Having served for two months, the new vice president is bombarded with employee complains. Two issues are raised by the employees. The first employee believes that she is the best candidate for the Management Development programme that issued by the company to the employees. The employee believes that her stellar performance reviews, commitment and long-term involvement in the company make her the best candidate for the position. The second candidate shares a similar complaint. The second employee believes that he is a good fit for the current vacant position of Retail Promotions Manager; however, the company’s administrative aide believes that two employees do …show more content…

Resultantly, gender issues could result in legal implications for the company. As a leader, Kyle needs to re-consider these accusations because ignoring these serious accusations poses a serious problem for the company.
An effective investigation should be conducted prior to making a decision. A complete, impartial and timely investigation enables the company to handle the complaint without creating legal problems for the company (Guerin 4). Moreover, an investigation is ideal as Kyle has only held the leadership position for two months and is still learning about the people in the organisation (Westco 2). In the case of Westco, issues regarding gender inequality, discrimination in the workplace including racism can significantly harm the company. Oscar, states that he feels like John is not comfortable having a Latino represent the company (Westco 3). In spite of these significant accusations, it would be unwise to accuse John of negatively handling employees. According to Guerin, it is difficult for management to discern much about a complaint particularly from the employees’ demeanour (Guerin 4). Resultantly, Kyle can opt to choose an investigator who would gather evidence and provide information regarding the situation. The investigator should be impartial, or is perceived to be impartial by the employees so as to prevent further complaints. Interviews can also be conducted so as to supplement the

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