
Lab Experiment : Coin Lab

Satisfactory Essays

Coin lab My group decided to look at how yeast would be transmitted by passing the coin without washing our hands. We also decided to look at how the yeast would be transmitted if a member of our group touched the coin and then a different member touched the fingertip of the person who touched the coin. Our final experiment was to see how the yeast would transmit if we did wash our hands. With our first experimentation, the group noticed that there was a lot of bubbling in the peroxide after it had been passed down from person to person. However, it was noticed that the bubbling of the peroxide took much longer periods of time depending on the person. For example, the sample from person 1 bubbled slower than the sample from person 2 since less yeast was present on the coin. The second experimentation, the group noticed that touching the coin or touching one of the fingers the coin touched had a different effect, since some yeast was transmitted onto the coin, as opposed to the person rubbing the coin. The finger that touched the coin seemed to have a lot more yeast on it than the group member who touched the finger that rubbed the coin. The group member that touched the coin had a lot more bubbling in the peroxide that would be represent the transmission of bacteria. However, the group member who touched the first group member’s finger had the same amount or slightly less bubbling in the peroxide than the group member who touched the coin. In the group’s final

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