1. Discuss what is being demonstrated in this experiment.
The demonstrated in this experiment is when there is lightweight applied to a cart and there is more weight applied to the pulley then a cart will move faster because the net force is pulling down. When there is more weight applied to a cart, and less weight applied to the pulley, a cart will still move, but not fast like part A. There is a relationship between force, mass and acceleration and those three are the demonstrated of this experiment.
4. For the cart, using the weight of the cart along the incline as the tension, compare this to the actual value obtained either up or down. Explain why they are different.
The difference between a cart going up, and a cart coming down at the constant velocity. When a cart was going upward, the pulley has more mass and it was heavy to pull the cart upward. However, when a cart was going downward, the pulley had less mass to push the cart downward at the constant speed. They are different because one had more weight and another had less weight.
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This experiment taught us, how PASCO photogate device helped us to find the constant velocity, while a cart sliding on the flat surface forward and backward. Experiment 9, allowed us to learn how to M2 Cart (kg), M1 hanger (kg), and Angle (degrees) to find the missing value of the friction Theo, experiment average, normal, friction coefficient, a percentage error of coefficient, and the percentage error. It also helped us to find the constant velocity while a cart going up and rolling down on an angle ramp. Overall, this experiment increased out knowledge of how to use formulas and Newton’s law to get the results of the experiment and how to maintain the velocity of a cart in the same speed by weight of the
If the mass of the cart increases and the net force remains constant, than the acceleration will proportionally decrease because Newton’s second law of motion states that acceleration is equal to the net force divided by the mass of the system; this demonstrates an inversely proportional relationship between acceleration and total mass because as the mass increases, acceleration will decrease (Newton’s second law).
I will start with the beginning, which is the ramp and marble. We used a marble that had more mass than the others. We did this to give the marble more potential energy. We set the marble at the top of the ramp, which gave it more potential energy as well, and released the marble. Once dropping it, it's previous potential energy transferred into kenetic energy. After this step came the metal lid. What this step showed was rolling friction and it also pushed it forward. How exactly? Well, when the marble landed, it bounced up, giving it elastic-type energy. It then fell, making it roll across the top of the lid the rest of the
Nevertheless, the momentum of the carts was conserved, showing that the sum of momentum before collision for the carts was 0.246 Kg.m/s, while after collision, the momentum was distributed between the two carts at 0.10 Kg.m/ s evenly, giving a total of 0.20 Kg.m/s and showing that the momentum was conserved. The small deviation in the decimal place value can be as a result of some experimental or calculation
We experienced the effects of pushes and pulls in Activity 2 when we played around with the carts on the track. We noticed in experiment #1 that it doesn’t matter if you push or pull the cart to get it moving. We were also able to identify that when we gave the cart a second push it would speed up. In Activity 3 we messed around with the friction pads on the carts to show that the cart will slow down when there is a force acting in the opposite direction. When we tapped the cart the other way, there was also either a change in directions or a decrease in speed.
Students in an AP Physics lab perform an electrostatics experiment involving two charged spheres suspended
a) When the lever is winded up and all set for release the Mousetrap Car (MTP) has potential energy that will be used to accelerate the car. 2) When the lever is released the string is pulled from its ready position on the axle causing the level to pull the string causing a pulling force on the string by the lever. 3) When the lever is released and the string is pulled the back wheels of the MTC are beginning to move because of the potential energy that is now kinetic energy which causes rolling friction between the Mousetrap Cars wheels and the ground. 4) The MTC is now accelerating at a certain speed from it's point with the string being pulled by the lever until the spring is snapped, which then causes the MTC to
I will begin with a theoretical situation to further help my definition of these two concepts and the strong opinions the philosophers would have, before applying them to the trolley example for a clear, concise understanding;
recorded how far the items travelled. This showed me how Newtons Three Laws of Motion
Briefly describe the nature of the relationship between these two variables (Hint: mention strength and direction). [2 marks]
In science class, students were given a propeller and rubber band to add propulsion force to the car. The car without any changes used thick black wheels in the front and thin white wheels with tires in the back. It used heavier axles with the thick wheels and light, aluminum axles with the thin wheels and clay connecting the bearing to the axle. In the first iteration, clay was removed. The fifth iteration changed the wheels in the front from large wheels to thin wheels with tires. The sixth iteration changed the axle in the front to the same aluminum axle that was in the back. The car performed at its best after the sixth iteration because it traveled further distance and was lighter.
On a two-hour bus ride to a small, rural town in New Zealand with my school, we passed by numerous beautiful rolling hills and forests. While my classmates chatted, listened to music, and watched the landscape, I kept my eyes focused downward on my AP Physics binder. It was the summer before senior year, and instead of fully enjoying the month-long community service trip to a foreign country, I also focused on self-studying AP Physics 1 and 2. Because my school requires a prerequisite physics class before enrolling in AP Physics C, I had to learn an entire year’s worth of material over the summer. At the end of my Junior year when I was contemplating taking the harder physics class, one of the physics teachers told me, “No one has jumped straight into Physics C in many years, but I think you can do it.”
In this experiment we learned Newton's Law. Newton's first law stated an object at rest stays at rest and an object in motion keeps moving with a constant velocity until/unless a net external force. Newton's second law stated a equation F ⃗=ma ⃗ and the third law stated for every action there is an equal and opposite reaction. We have also learned steps such as, draw free body diagram with labels, write Newton's equations and solve the equation in order to find the result. The purpose of this experiment is to study the relationship between force and acceleration using a linear track and the Atwood's machine. Hypothesis in this experiment is to see if this equation F ⃗=ma ⃗ is correct because when deriving the equation to find
The aim of the experiment is to examine how the acceleration of the car differs when the angle of inclination of the ramp is amplified and to record and analyse findings.
The forces that are involve with the experiments are basically focused on the concurrent forces. The experiment also allows us to develop the condition of balancing or arranging the angles both sides on a force table. This laboratory experiment allows us to take the mathematical abstraction of a vector to make it tangible as possible. This experiment will look into two ways of
In this experiment, we determined the resultant and equilibrant of system of forces using the force table given and after gathering the data, we compared them with the different methods involved. The main material we used in this experiment is called force table. It has system of strings with varying tensions that act concurrently. It also has 4 pcs of super pulley with clamp and 4 pcs of mass hanger which weigh 5 grams each. There is a ring in the center of the force table that indicates if the forces are balance. We began the actual experiment by increasing differently the mass of each hanger using the slotted mass. Afterwards, we measured the angles of the strings by using trial and error in