
Labyrinth Of Sewer Tunnels Of Underworld

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At 6AM, the Wise Man and his wife were navigating through the whole labyrinth of sewer tunnels that existed alongside Underworld. The original entryway into Underworld, which can be made accessible by moving a set of large concrete pieces in a certain order, was being used by Underworld’s inhabitants. By showing his wife the correct to move the concrete by taking advantage of the apparent crevices, they were able to make their way to the main entrance into Underworld. Compared to the sewer tunnels, the pathways leading to Underworld’s main entrance was completely pitch black, with the only way for someone to navigate through the darkness was the sight of the fortified gate, the walls next to them sporting manned machine gun nests with …show more content…

He noticed that, while his foster mother appeared to move cautiously behind her husband, his foster father on the other hand went forward in a very casual manner. Sitting on a chair to the right of him was a Dweller city guard member of Underworld, whose role was to be the operator of the gate controls. As his foster parents got ever closer to the gates, he instructed the gate operator, “Open the gates. My foster parents have come to pay a visit.” In response, the gate operator obeyed his instructions. Stepping away from his usual spot on the observational platform above the gate, the Silent Orphan went to the small table that was directly behind him. From there, he placed the pair of binoculars aside and picked up the field radio that happened to be on the table at the time. He spoke to his subordinate, the one responsible for relaying instructions to the machine gun crews. “Tell your men to hold your fire; we got friendlies approaching.” In an act of obedience, the Silent Orphan’s subordinates obeyed their given orders. From that point, Virgil then puts the field radio down, and makes his way down a short flight of stairs to ground level, where he soon met his foster parents at the foot of the recently opened gate. “Mom, Dad,” he called out to his foster parents, “It’s so nice to see you both here at the gates of Underworld.” “Likewise,” agreed the Wise Man, “Anything good

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