
Lady Vs Tiger

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In the story of love and jealously written by Frank Stockton, a semi barbaric princess falls in love with a youth, but because the youth is not a prince, their love is forbidden and his life is put on the line. When their romance is revealed, as punishment, the youth has to choose between two doors. One where a beautiful lady awaits to marry him, or the other door, where a hungry tiger lays to devour the youth. In the story the youth chooses the door the princess wants him to choose, but the story ends with the final question; which door the princess chooses: the lady or the tiger? Even though after reading the story, undoubtedly the youth chooses the door with the tiger.

As a matter of fact, the story explains that the princess had been with the youth for months and that they were very happy. If the princess was walking in air with the youth, she would not want anyone else to have him. “She had lost him, but who should have him,”(Stockton 6). We are all human, we can love …show more content…

The princess does not want to see the youth suffer so of course she would chose the lady. However “Would it not be better for him to die at once, and go to wait for her in the blessed regions in semi-barbaric futurity.” (Stockton 6). The princess knows they will be together in the future so why would she choose the lady if she can have the youth later on in the afterlife. The princess clearly has everything planned to be with the love of her life if she picks the tiger.
Some think love conquers all, but that's not true. This story not only about the strong love between a princess and a youth, but a story of how humans can turn that love into something ugly. The princess, without a question, chose the tiger, nit only because she loved him with all her heart but because she was selfish and human. Humans aren't perfect, and love doesn't help fix

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