
Language Acquisition Theory And Language Learning

Satisfactory Essays

A language acquisition theory was first proposed by Skinner (1957). He argued that children acquire a language by being exposed to the influence of environment they live in. The hypothesis on the distinction between language acquisition and language learning was proposed by an American linguist and educational researcher Stephen Krashen. When we consider ‘language learning’ broadly speaking - we usually mean all activities performed by second language learners in order to attain a required level of proficiency in a target language. This is respectively achieved by acquiring new knowledge and skills using variety means of learning processes and approaches. Language learning is not a communicative process but is the result of direct instructions of a target language. These instructions involve grammatical rules and patterns.
Second language learners acquire a vast knowledge about the language itself they learn. However, as linguistics research show, such knowledge not necessarily transfer to an effective communication skills, such as speaking or writing. Indisputably, we can assume that such a learner will be able to score a good grade at standardized English tests where grammar rules are essential, and in most cases inevitable. The main aspect of it is putting attention on the written language, its form and generally theory about that language i.e. language analysis. Language learning is a conscious process of learning, in which the learners are aware of a new language.

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