
Laqwandra Myers. Ludwig Van Beethoven . February 1, 2017.

Better Essays

LaQwandra Myers
Ludwig van Beethoven

February 1, 2017
Music Appreciation 101
L. Webb
M/W 12:30PM-2:00PM When asking anyone to name a famous composer in history, a few names will always be mentioned. They are Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart, Johann Sebastian Bach, Claude Debussy, and Ludwig van Beethoven, just to name a few. Every composer mentioned have become famous in their own rights, and have inspired musicians for centuries. Arguably, the most famous composer in history would be Ludwig van Beethoven. Beethoven has been credited with revolutionizing the way that music can be arranged into melodies, which is one of the factors that solidifies his title of being one of the best composers in history. Ludwig van Beethoven was born in …show more content…

When he died, many people speculated as to what his cause of death was, but no one is completely certain. The only thing that is certain about Ludwig van Beethoven’s death is that he died in Vienna, Austria on March 26, 1827 as one of the greatest composers of all time. Every great figure in history can name at least one prominent figure in their life that inspired them to excel and become masters of their craft. Ludwig van Beethoven was born with musical talent in his blood. His grandfather, of the same name, was a singer that eventually became a composer in the Archbishop’s court, as well as, his father becoming a singer in the same court. As soon as Beethoven showed interest in music, his father made sure to become his music teacher to hone his talents. He became the assistant of the head organist of the Archbishop’s court, and when the Holy Roman Emperor, Joseph II, died Beethoven was asked to compose a piece for his funeral. Eventually, he was able to go to Vienna to study under multiple musical talents such as: Haydn, Salieri, and Albrechtsberger. Around the time that Beethoven was becoming famous, Napoleon Bonaparte came to power. Beethoven dedicated one of his “most original works to date” to him, called Symphony No. 3 or Eroica Symphony. Throughout, Beethoven’s career, he was influenced heavily by his family, the church, and other classical musicians. As he grew older, he started to become deaf and depressed. He was able to overcome his depression by

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