
Larry Page Leadership Style

Satisfactory Essays

Larry Page

Larry (Lawrence) Page, currently CEO of Google Inc., was born on the 26th of March, 1973 in East Lansing, Michigan. He received his Bachelor of science in computer engineering from Michigan University and a Master of science in computer science from Stanford University. Proficient in computer science and extremely intelligent, he invented Pagerank, a powerful search algorithm that returned highly successful results to users' queries (Page et al, 1999). Together with his friend Sergey Brin, they founded Google in 1998. Google soon found itself at the top of search engines and from a small, garage- based company had transformed into a global giant. Google now is a synonym of world's no1 ideal (New York Post, 2011) and most …show more content…

In conjunction with the aforementioned he has exhibited the ability to feel the needs of a very demanding and changing environment (Goffe, 2002) hence transforming Google from a straight- forward search engine company to a global multimedia, telecommunications and software company. World's biggest video upload service (Youtube), a mobile telephone giant (Motorola mobility), software like Android OS for smartphones, Google Earth, Google Maps, and an e-mail provider (Gmail) are some of the company' s ownership and features. Google has even ''invaded'' the world of social networking releasing the Google+ platform ignoring the total supremacy of Facebook and sensing it's saturation. In addition, Google owns Blogger since 2003, one of the biggest blog publishing services. Page, being broad-minded (Kouzes and Pozner, 2002) has also shown an enterpreneurial (Northouse, 2009) attitude investing in renewable energy sources- the well-known Tesla Motor Company (Siliconbeat, 2006) and two North- Dakota wind farms (Wall Street Journal, 2010). What is more, five years after being founded, Google made another great enterpreneurial step making it's initial public offering. The debut price of the Google share was 85 dollars (Google, 2004) and has been oscillating to the 750 dollars price-barrier near the end of 2012 (Wall Street

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